Tuesday March 18, 2014
I recently asked on my facebook page what's your connection to spirit? How do you connect? Do you see? Feel? Hear? The response was overwhelmingly 'a feeling' which tells me that most people who are on my page are normal human beings with the normal connection to spirit. Yes, we all have it and it comes into play at different times in our lives. We are ALL mediumistic, we all have the same basic connection to spirit simply because we all have one! A spirit that is!
So WHY aren't we all mediums? Well truth is we are but human biology steps in for some of us and causes a few problems. We have already found out that research indicates severe and even more so, long term trauma changes the electrochemistry of the brain (in very crude and simple terms the 'frequency" of our brain waves). This actually seems to make connections with spirit easier but I ahve yet to understand why. I do know it is essentially our physical self that interferes with our spiritual self development. No big news there really.
So how do we better prepare our physical self to connect with spirit in a stronger more purposeful way? Well I believe one of the first things we have to change is the energy we create around us and the energy we decide to take on as our own. Good intent equals good energy. That's not to say we all have to be maniacally happy all the time because sometimes life throws a curve ball at us and we just can't find it in us to be happy. Having said that we can still be good and true to ourselves and others. It's true you don't need to be a saint to be a medium, some people are mediums and they are hideous people; as is the case in ALL walks of life. They are lucky because their overall physical brain chemistry is right in order to activate the spiritual part of the mind. Our mind is our connection with spirit.
Meditation and calmness. None of us can have a sensible conversation if there is chaos going on around us and neither can spook! Learn to calm your mind. Start with three minutes a day, sitting still and clearing your mind. It's hard it takes practice and even these days I find it hard sometimes. Increase it until you can zone out for an hour.
I also believe you have to want it without ego. Having a "live" connection to spirit keeps you honest because you know someone is always there and knows what you are thinking, feeling and doing. Use that, it's your conscience and your conscience IS your guide. If you can feel, learn to go with the feelings. Don't wait and second guess them! Don't "What if .." when you feel you should because then you are ignoring spirit and shutting them out. Don't ask them to help and then slam the door in their face!
There is a Simon and Garfunkle song, "Feeling Groovy" and a couple of the lines are; slow down you move too fast, you got to make the moment last.." This is very important to strengthen your spiritual connection. Live in the moment and don't expect it all to happen at once. Your spiritual connection is a process of the evolution of you. If you want to develop it there has to be human changes but also spirit will decide when and if you are ready. It's not your decision, it's theirs. Didn't your Mother ever tell you "I want doesn't get!"
The other thing which slows many in their mediumistic development is fear. We WANT to see and hear but jump out of our skin if we do! I remember seeing my partner after he had passed away, standing at the end of my bed. My instinct at that moment was to run toward this apparition and hug him tight. I realised that day I was no longer scared and had accepted spirit as part of my life. My every day life.
Once you get yourself into a human space where spirit is easily able to connect you, it will flow. In fits and starts at first. It took me over 40 years to be confident enough to read and even now I get nervous but my spooks have never let me down.
So, unless you are a natural with the perfect brain waves through biological circumstance you have to be in a state of mind, frame of mind and at a place in your life where you can make yourself the perfect conduit. Many of us have waking dreams and early morning visits from spirit. Why is that so? Because at that stage of semi consciousness our mind is not thinking of making money, getting the better of someone else or wagging a day of work. We are a human vessel with an open spiritual portal without the conflicts and issues of the human day. It is almost a state of purity of mind. A calmness that allows the afterlife in because there is nothing human in there.
Once you have recognised and made spirit a part of your life and reinforced this by thought and deed you will find it easier and easier to connect and then it will be with less effort as your spiritual door will have been opened.
I hope this makes sense. I'm not saying be a saint, but shrug off the unimportant things in life; declutter your mind of negativity and allow strength and positivity in and you too will find you are never alone and help is always there when you need it.