Sunday, 29 September 2013

Nothing to report.....oh really?

Sunday September 29, 2013

Well I have to confess there has been no daily spook because there have been no daily spooks.  All has been quite quiet on the western front other than my chats with Arty P and Matt.  Matt has been off doing other stuff for a while so it’s been quiet without him (in a good way I assure you!) and Arty and I are getting back into our groove after the move and all the kerfuffle that goes with relocating.

After a few initial visits to the cottage by Joe I haven’t seen him or Maria
 for a few days either although last night whilst watching TV there was a cool air that kept wafting across from end to end of the couch and I believe that was him passing by to stand in his normal spot at the bottom of the stairs. Yes Maria is the “sit down” lady! I assumed she was a school teacher who once worked at the cottage because it used to be a school and all that, BUT she is actually Joseph McCarthy’s wife and given that they had ten children I can probably forgive her for yelling “sit down” every now and again!  That is probably why in the photograph of the cottage front they are standing side by side as husband and wife would.

Anyway onto something else entirely but that I thought was worth talking about. I got a curious email recently from a young woman who is aware she is spiritual, in so far as she is connected and can randomly see and hear spook but she is having a bit of a tough time and so decided to take it out on spook by blaming them for not being there and letting her down when she was having hard time. Wow! It seemed to me, as fond of her as I am that she and maybe others just don’t understand the principal of spook yet and it can be a little frustrating to say the least.

First up the exchange of energies relies totally on the interactive frequencies of human and spook to be right and if you are mad as heck it aint going to happen in a positive way! Arty tells me it is your underlying energy “type” that makes it possible although I am not sure what that really means. I do know it is not as voluntary as you think on their part either unless they are malevolent, stuck or just a pest!  Second the spooks that can and do come through don’t always have a choice. Many times I read for someone and we will find a parent or sibling and then we will get Great Uncle Harold whom they never knew and then the client is quite indignant that they didn’t know uncle Harold and didn’t really want him there because they would rather have had Mum or Dad!  Arrogance people, pure arrogance. You are not the boss of spook ok!

To make my point; I haven’t seen Matt for a few days for real although I have heard him, I have hung out with Arty and when P has been in she has been all energy and bounce. I didn’t chose that, it’s clear that Matt has stuff to do, P has finished the stuff she was doing and Arty, my well-loved and adored Arty is always there when I need him even if I do wear him out sometimes! Where they are and when they are though,  is not of my choosing, it is the choice of the universe and yet another part of the machinations of the ether that we don’t understand.

Sure we can try and “call them in” but most of the time when we do that we are actually seeing them where they are and not yanking them into real time and space. Other times when we try and manipulate the presence of spook we get a little more than we bargain for as in using ouija boards and the like.The main thing to understand is that when our brain is calm we can see hear and interact better. Such as the early morning messages, when we are really tired or meditating.   It is such a less frenetic flow of energy that it is easier to connect. I for one prefer to read at night and always outside because the energy is much less artificial and it just feels easier to connect and see.  Sometimes there is no connection to be had and that is just the way it is. Just because you want to read someone or talk with spook doesn’t mean they want to talk with you!

Like my lovely friend, it is no use having a tantrum in the middle of the lounge-room floor and demanding their presence and even worse, their help because you think you deserve it! There is a whole dimension out there that we essentially know nothing about, but it seems it is becoming more and more our opinion that it is ours to control.  Sad. And wrong.

Saturday, 21 September 2013

Seeing AND believeing....

Sunday September 22, 2013

Over the last few weeks for some strange reason a lot of people have asked me 'how I see things?" 'Things" of course being dead people.  Well first of all I the book people it's all in there and then I get off my high horse and explain myself here!

People, as in human people, all have different perceptions of reality and what it really is. This is how I explain it; If I like chocolate (which I do I do I do I do!) and you don't then I can't fully comprehend what it is about chocolate that you don't like because it tastes so good to ME! That is a minor illustration of realities. The chocolate we like and dislike tastes exactly the same but our personal tastes and realities are different. 

So when we see spooks I am not actually sure if everyone sees the same as me but within their own reality or we all see exactly the same. Here is my reality;

In the physical (it's in the book peoples it really is!) that means I see them around me the same size and shape as when they were human people but perhaps sometimes a little grainy and other times quite real. This is THEIR choice to show themselves like that because they no longer have the body they project. They interact with our minds which is the "connective energy" between us and spook to allow us to see it.

Speech between us when they are in the physical is like talking with a friend. No signs or symbols they just talk and I listen and join in. Sometimes conversation is fluid and sometimes it is words here and there, like using a mobile phone that is cutting in and out.

In my head - It's like imagination being forced upon me.  I see a picture of someone in my head, it's clear for the most part and when it is like that unless it is Arty, Matt or P who don't seem to have limits of presence, I can "hold it" longer. The 'conversation' is like a conversation in my head - I "hear" it going backwards and forwards but it is like I am not actually a part of this and 'another me' is talking and the I am listening to it.

When it is just speech it is generally outside of my head and if I don't feel them coming in - it generally startles me!

I also feel people-spooks. I can just "feel" someone there and generally get a feeling of their sex, approximate age/generation and a little more information to validate them. When I am reading if I feel someone and they are acknowledged in principal it generally makes the connection stronger and I can see them and get more. If they are rejected out of hand it compromises the connection.

With Arty, P, Matt and now Joe too it is like we all just share a house and we come and go as we please. I interact with them when we are together just like I would a human person and we mill around doing our thing and always say good morning and good night to each other ...little bit like The Waltons!  In terms of the interaction between the four of them, they do interact together as well. I can often feel or see them interacting without my going looking for them or my starting the conversation or interaction in the first place.

That's it people..that's how it happens in my world!

Calling Occupants...

Sunday September 21, 2013

The other night I said to my little Bro as we were sitting outside having a few dusk-time drinks staring out to Moreton Island (seriously people you know you are jealous right??) I "felt" someone approach from the lawn, realising it was Joe McGrath I said "Wow! Joe has just come up to the steps on the veranda." Although I knew it was him I could see him "in my head" but in the physical all I could see was like a white shape. We decided to try a photograph and see below the last disappearing remnants of our housemate and rapidly becoming well loved friend from yesteryear and as it turns out the man responsible for naming the town of Maleny!

So, skipping backwards rather than forwards can you see the two figures in the door panel of Percy's? On the left a taller man (Joe) and on the right a plumper shorter woman (our school teacher) who we have called Mavis because she hasn't really identified herself properly yet, save to just shout "sit down" at the most uncommon intervals! 
For the doubters who say it is the person who took the picture, they were some five steps lower down and thus if they had indeed captured themselves in the picture they would either have to be over seven feet tall or levitating because the people in the door are at cottage floor level.

We had visitors this weekend, which included my adorable Xavier and Taylor two little boys who live life large and make the racket to go with it. We came home, and having already identified that Joe's voice is "gravelly" I walked in and said "Hi Joe, how was your day..." there came a throaty chuckle and a response "Quiet!" obviously so  because we had been out all day having fun elsewhere! So Joe had indeed been around when the boys were here but I understand from him too, he rather likes people in the house as to his way of thinking "the more the merrier!" and he did after all have nine children I believe!!

More from Percy's on Monday. Don't forget to protect your self people and thank your spooks for being around.

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

An Intruder at Percy's...about last night

Wednesday September 18, 2013

This is what we saw last night! Jeepers! First of all let me tell you who "we" are. Shane is my adopted little brother who is helping me with the move. He also "sees things". He has this amazing ability, which I don't have, to see through other peoples eyes and be in their place. It's kind of a like a "remote viewing in someone else's body" type thing. He was the first person other than me to see Matt around me...notably fooling around I might add!

So last night he came into my room and said "Let me have a look at something" as he stared into the corner of the room rather like someone who should be in an asylum and not building and chopping things at Casa Del Percival! He said there was a hunched figure obscuring the light switch at the top of the stairs, rather like the image to your left but maybe wearing some kind of robe or cloak or something. I wrote it off as him being a bit of a nut case because I couldn't see anything at all, ordered him to get back on the roof and stay there until he had done fiddlin!

Then at 3.03 am I heard someone ask me if I was awake, I looked up and saw this figure in the same place but a little further over so also obscuring part of the window. Shane had seen him and now I have too! It wasn't Joe and for some reason although I usually see people in the dark as slightly grainy, this guy seemed to have a bit of a sheen to him and was wearing all black.  None of us feel any malevolence in the cottage (unless you call a bossy school teacher who yells "Sit down" at the most inopportune moments as a little so!). We have no idea who the figure was and I wonder if it was someone left over from a reading but none of my readings had any kind of spook who would be this downcast or seemingly from another era!

To take slight diversion, Percy the peacock has been unusually active today. He has had his tail feathers out and keeps coming around to the front veranda where I am working (and checking facebook every five minutes...I admit it!) as if to check that I am ok and then he wanders off.

We don't feel any kind of ill will in the house, quite the opposite, my spooks seems to be settling in well except for P who says "Ugh so glad I don't have to live there darling!" Who is this figure? I will be consulting Chilly and reporting in because we are stumped! Usually I can feel the energy even if I can't see but with this figure all I could feel was "You're not Joe." I am hoping it isn't Jack, as told in a chapter of my book. I would be beside myself if he found me!

Meet Joe McCarthy

Identify Yourself!

Well today was an interesting day as we did a bit of research on the man-spook in the cottage who identified himself as "Joseph" although I have already taken to calling him Joe and he doesn't seem to mind! 

Joe was a pioneer of the area I live in now and the original cottage (I live in a replica although still quite aged and historic) was built on his land before it was moved.  As I have my Bro staying with me who also sees spook we were able to both identify the same person without colluding!

Joe gave me enough information about himself so I could go and do some research and validate him so it's quite exciting that we were able to conclusively prove who the newest member of my spook family and the oldest inhabitant of the cottage is. I believe he died somewhere between 1914 and 1918 and had quite a few children according to him, I think he said eight!! We are still researching his family tree to put the pieces together.

He tells me "women have changed a lot since his day" which seriously, having someone like me in his "life" I'm not surprised he is a little shocked! He has already pulled me up on the f-bomb a few times but has also commended me on working hard in the garden. He tells me I will love it here and he is glad of the company!

He prefers to wander around downstairs most of the time but has shown himself upstairs as if he is making sure all is well before it's time to sleep. He is a very decent man who stays out of the bathroom unlike another spook I could mention...*ahem* Matthew Lawson! For some reason I feel Joe has been quite lonely in the past because previous inhabitants of the cottage have either ignored him or been afraid of him. Whilst Arty refers to me as "my dear" Joe refers to me as "a handsome woman," I'm not sure if that is a compliment or an insult as I always think of handsome as a word associated with men! Joe...honey .... are you telling me I look like a dude??

All is well in Percy's Paradise but Joe assures me there will be more from him as we get used to each other over the coming months. I do hope so as the best way to learn about anything spooky is from the source.  Goodnight gentleman (yes Matt I include you in that!) and P. See you in my sleep!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

Dear Diary...

Home Sweet Home

Well I decided now I am having a "gap year" to maybe take a different approach to The Daily Spook. First up I am really going to try and write it every day from my new home, a tiny 1850's cottage somewhere you won't find me!

I arrived with minimal amount of everything just waiting for the removalists so for the next week I am kind of camping indoors. I was a little apprehensive as before I took the cottage Arty had "visited" and told me there was a man there. Also in the picture if you look at the high resolution version (I'll put it on my website soon!) you can actually see two people standing in the door way! I had first contact with a woman who said she lived in the cottage and kept telling me to "sit down!" I admit I was a bit nervous about whether the long time inhabitants would welcome me and my spooks, Arty, P and Matt.

The first night I was lying in bed and I heard a gravelly voice call out "Hello! Hello!" My heart immediately started beating out of my chest. Now before you mock me, just like Chilly did, for being a medium who is afraid of ghosts I'm not actually! I am afraid of unknown ghosts though, until I get to know them and can feel them properly!  I felt this man as quite a strong and gentle character but also a formidable presence. Andy Lang had warned me to watch out for the gravelly voice though and so I knew we were onto the same man Arty had met and shook hands with.  This man's name is Joseph (we originally thought it was Edward but not so it seems as he was quick to correct me for calling him Teddy!). He really wants to be friendly so I have told him we can get to know each other, but if he messes around I'm going to get Chilly on the case to kick him out! The woman who has yet to really come forward was apparently a school teacher, hence her incessant directive for me to "sit down!"  Her name begins with M I think but sometimes I get the name Ruth, so further investigation is required  on her! What next, hands on my head! As long as she makes me the hall monitor I don't mind playing nice!

The day we arrived I wanted to see what my spooks thought. The cottage to say the least is "rustic" but by no means run down. This is how we went;

Arty    "Quite comfortable my dear"
P         "What a dump, it's filthy!"
Matt    Pulled a face as he raced upstairs to have a look! I think he's a bit worried about Joseph, but he later found me my "reading spot" which is a beautiful bench under a tree. 

The second night I lay in bed and could hear footsteps walking around downstairs. Now if you swung a cat in Percy's Cottage you would bash it's brains out, so there can be no mistaking of noises. Possums go "scratch scratch," bats go "whoosh whoosh" and "eeek," Percy the peacock honks the day in and out (clearly channelling a rooster!) and foot steps sound like, well footsteps duh! I had asked Joseph not to come up to the bedroom, to give me some space of my own and it seemed to me he was playing nice and keeping to his floor.  Then this morning I woke up and there he is standing at the end of the bed! The cheek of it!   People I now have four spooks it seems! Joseph is going to be helping with readings, and making sure I do it right and honourably. This task I have to say is largely Arty's as everything I know about spirit from spirit has pretty much come from him. Now and again he hands the reins to Matt, especially if I am reading for a young person but apparently residents of my new home town will also get the benefit of a local pioneers knowledge too! P is more there for me personally, she is like my BFF girlfriend in spook!

So there you have it people live AND dead from my little cottage in the woods! Stay tuned as Joe says he has a message for me and I will also be getting up to all sorts of tricks myself during my year of living aimlessly!

Sunday, 8 September 2013

Why Is It So?

Monday September 9, 2013

Mel asked me an interesting question last night so I thought I would share my spook findings with you all!  Melanie had some experiences in the past of things being moved by spook and she wanted to know how this happens! W..e....l...l!  For this kind of question I always look to Arty or Louis (Pasteur) and if he is around and not feeling beligerent, Nikola (Tesla). He's a bit of an intense grouch but I do like talking with him! It is described in my book but we will try for the potted version of the story of energy here!

We as humans have two main components - the physical/biological and the spiritual. When we shuffle off to buffalo only the spiritual remains. The energetic part of us. We don't have any biological attributes so even talking between human and spirit is not what it seems, let alone flinging things across the room! Our minds are the part of us that create energy, we are going to call it electrical energy for the moment purely because science isn't advanced enough to give it another name. A happy thought creates positive energy and a negative thought creates negative energy and like attracts like. Everyone has seen the Uri Geller spoon bending thing and also people who have used various divination methods such as diving sticks and pendulums know that things CAN move "one their own".  I went through a phase and it still happens intermittently, of being able to point at things and they move. This used to freak people out (as well as me) but these days I realise I have a spook who sees me pointing at a coffee cup and them moves it an inch or so for me, using a combination of my physically generated energy and their spiritual energy.

Hot air is energy, so if you take a hairdryer you can blow a piece of paper until it moves or dry your hair. So it follows that spook energy when unleashed can accomplish the same effect. We can't see it but we can "feel it" like the warm air of a hairdryer or heater. When we "see" someone who has passed over of course they aren't really there because they no longer have a body - it is an image they project using their own energy and interlocking with ours so we know what we are looking at, because most of us aren't evolved enough to identify the energy of someone who has passed over without a visual cue.This is why I can be in a room of four people and only I can see the spook, or only two of us can see, because the combination of the spook and human energy has to be right at that very moment. I can identify Arty, Matt and P because I know what they "feel like" the same as recognising someone's aftershave or perfume. It is a signature. Although we "think" we see them with our eyes we don't because they aren't there, we see with our mind. Arty tells me at this point it's getting a little complex and we should move on to moving things.

In the same way they can make us see things, they can use the energy to move things. Imagine the force of a magnet, sometimes when you get the wrong ends together they repel and the magnets have an unseen force between them that physically pushes them apart. Spooks are not always negative energy but it is a similar principal. They use their energy to move things when they want to. Matt likes fiddling with the paintings in my house, he tips the top right hand corner down so I have to go around straightening them! P will "bang on doors" to make me listen to her although she has no hands! Arty is much less of a wag but he likes to creak the chair when he sits in it. This kind of energy is all around us all of the time and often when I do a group booking I will demonstrate this so we know for sure there is another energy around us that we can't see, we can't always feel but trust me, it's there!

We go back to Matt's photo-bomb at his Mum's birthday party (refer to my facebook page). It came out on the camera as a flash of light (there was no flash and no light at the time) this was Matt's energy and not his human form, and it came out so bright because he gave it all he had, he had one shot and wanted to make it count.  Being a white flash also indicated he has gone over, as many manifestations of spook in their human form are actually those who have yet to trip the light fantastic and are hanging on to the earth plane. If you see one, do them a favour and send them on!

When people talk about "creation of truth" and the "laws of attraction" it is just the tip of one massive ice berg. The energy produced by our minds CAN manifest things but because when we are in the physical we are affected by physical emotions, needs, wants and thoughts this often acts as a blocker.  We think to ourselves "I will get that job" which is the creation of positive energy, but our human side has a little doubt or worry which then dilutes the strength of it.  Of course we can't manipulate other people with our energy and even if those who say they can, actually do, it's wrong. So we can't make that handsome man or pretty girl love us because that has to happen naturally because it it doesn't nine times out of ten it will end painfully because it is forced. No matter what the energy the universe will not let you interfere with other people or use it for gain.  Hence no medium has ever got the lotto numbers or taken up James Randi's challenge because that's self serving and spook is here to teach us not to be like that!

Finally living proof...well one of my proofs anyway. I was lying in bed one morning practising a verbal attack on someone who had wronged me in my head. I went over and over my delivery and the harsh words I was going to use.  As I did this a spook came through and audibly said; "I hope not, don't say that." So even though I was "thinking" all of the negative and mean things I wanted to say, spook had heard it and waded in there to advise me against it.

Another time I had been given something by someone (got to play nicely here) and I was so mad with them I threw it away. Ceremoniously burned their communications as well.  Witnessed by someone else so no doubt it was done.  Then when I moved house, I unpacked and there were the letters and items that two people had watched me burn and discard into the bin! So, did I "imagine" burning things? Was I made to think by spook that I had or did spook use their energy to reconstruct them? I honestly don't know. It was a reminder by a particular spook that they did not want me to lose contact with this person and now I am glad I didn't.

What you THINK is who you really are people and they know it!