Sunday, 15 September 2013

Dear Diary...

Home Sweet Home

Well I decided now I am having a "gap year" to maybe take a different approach to The Daily Spook. First up I am really going to try and write it every day from my new home, a tiny 1850's cottage somewhere you won't find me!

I arrived with minimal amount of everything just waiting for the removalists so for the next week I am kind of camping indoors. I was a little apprehensive as before I took the cottage Arty had "visited" and told me there was a man there. Also in the picture if you look at the high resolution version (I'll put it on my website soon!) you can actually see two people standing in the door way! I had first contact with a woman who said she lived in the cottage and kept telling me to "sit down!" I admit I was a bit nervous about whether the long time inhabitants would welcome me and my spooks, Arty, P and Matt.

The first night I was lying in bed and I heard a gravelly voice call out "Hello! Hello!" My heart immediately started beating out of my chest. Now before you mock me, just like Chilly did, for being a medium who is afraid of ghosts I'm not actually! I am afraid of unknown ghosts though, until I get to know them and can feel them properly!  I felt this man as quite a strong and gentle character but also a formidable presence. Andy Lang had warned me to watch out for the gravelly voice though and so I knew we were onto the same man Arty had met and shook hands with.  This man's name is Joseph (we originally thought it was Edward but not so it seems as he was quick to correct me for calling him Teddy!). He really wants to be friendly so I have told him we can get to know each other, but if he messes around I'm going to get Chilly on the case to kick him out! The woman who has yet to really come forward was apparently a school teacher, hence her incessant directive for me to "sit down!"  Her name begins with M I think but sometimes I get the name Ruth, so further investigation is required  on her! What next, hands on my head! As long as she makes me the hall monitor I don't mind playing nice!

The day we arrived I wanted to see what my spooks thought. The cottage to say the least is "rustic" but by no means run down. This is how we went;

Arty    "Quite comfortable my dear"
P         "What a dump, it's filthy!"
Matt    Pulled a face as he raced upstairs to have a look! I think he's a bit worried about Joseph, but he later found me my "reading spot" which is a beautiful bench under a tree. 

The second night I lay in bed and could hear footsteps walking around downstairs. Now if you swung a cat in Percy's Cottage you would bash it's brains out, so there can be no mistaking of noises. Possums go "scratch scratch," bats go "whoosh whoosh" and "eeek," Percy the peacock honks the day in and out (clearly channelling a rooster!) and foot steps sound like, well footsteps duh! I had asked Joseph not to come up to the bedroom, to give me some space of my own and it seemed to me he was playing nice and keeping to his floor.  Then this morning I woke up and there he is standing at the end of the bed! The cheek of it!   People I now have four spooks it seems! Joseph is going to be helping with readings, and making sure I do it right and honourably. This task I have to say is largely Arty's as everything I know about spirit from spirit has pretty much come from him. Now and again he hands the reins to Matt, especially if I am reading for a young person but apparently residents of my new home town will also get the benefit of a local pioneers knowledge too! P is more there for me personally, she is like my BFF girlfriend in spook!

So there you have it people live AND dead from my little cottage in the woods! Stay tuned as Joe says he has a message for me and I will also be getting up to all sorts of tricks myself during my year of living aimlessly!

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