Sunday, 29 December 2013

Something About Nothing

Here are some random thoughts as a kind of precursor to the Daily Spook Diaries 2014.

Lots of mediums do one question readings on their facebook pages. It's a great way of sharing, giving back and also making sure you keep it real for yourself and don't get too confident in your own abilities. You are only as good as your last reading and your spooks will set you down if you get too uppity with it! I always say that the day Arty comes to me and says "Enough now my dear" is the day I give up. It's really not my choice, it's their choice. Too many people are of the impression that the mediums are the ones with the special talent. Well in my world you don't have the talent if the spooks don't want to play. I mean you can't force someone to talk to you can you? In saying that we must remember I am talking about mediumship and not psychic ability as they are two different things.

I decided to start keeping the Daily Spook as a diary from January and to be brutally honest and open with it nitty gritty and all, so others can see that mediums are ordinary folk who just have to juggle the human and the spiritual. You get too bogged down in the spiritual and your human life turns to poop, too bogged down in the human and your spooks either give up or you mess it up yourself. I used to be someone who if a medium told me the moon was made of cheese I would get a box of crackers out! They would tell me I was going to do "so and so" or "such and such" and so instead of letting it happen naturally I would force the issue and go off and do it, which always ended in disaster as I wasn't letting my life unfold as it SHOULD. I was messing with what was there for me and most times because I had pre-empted something that I wasn't ready for, I amde a mess of it or ended up getting hurt.

I am a relatively ordinary person, middle aged, one grown up child and spent the best part of the last 25 years in the commercial world. Even thought the transition to a more spooky career was natural for me it wasn't easy. Learning when to be open to spook and when to tell them to bugger off (which you can you know!) interpreting messages for myself let alone other people and knowing how to deliver them was a steep climb. Mediumship is not just "oooh I can do this" and away you go as you are dealing with real people but also in a world we simply do not understand yet. It can sometimes be a curse rather than a blessing if you don't keep it real!  I only do 6 readings a week, I don't use my spooks any more than I would intentionally use my friends, but I have spooks with me daily. So familiar are they that I call them spooks and they call me a variety of me they do!

So just how ordinary is my life?  Well last night I went to bed and a male spook came up to me and I asked him who he was. He said "I'm going to poke you" as if warning me he was going to touch me in the physical (it still makes me jump) so as not to scare me! I said "Go on then" and he did, he poked me in the ribs! He laughed and then dissolved back into wherever. As I was sleeping in the camp trailer last night (Christmas houseful and it is so peaceful in there anyway) I got up in the middle of the night for a pee. As I was unzipping the door a female voice said "It's beautiful out here now the rain has stopped." I couldn't see anyone all I knew was it was a she. This type of thing doesn't disturb me now as I have learned that not every contact is a profound message from God via a spook, sometimes they are just there and that's all there is to it.

Recently I had a nasty shock and a tough lesson about "being in spook all the time." A dear friend of mine is quite ill and we had been talking about death and who was and who wasn't afraid. It was an interesting conversation over a few reds and such are the friendships involved no subjects are taboo. I left feeling a little pie-eyed and also pensive so I posted the question on my facebook page, "If you had the opportunity, would you want to know if you were going to die?" Some interpreted it as me offering to tell people when they were going to die...Noooooooo I do not do that. I do "you aren't going to die" if someone is ill and that's what I get but not any more than that. Then that night sitting up in bed quietly reading a non spooky book someone decided to tell me when my friend was going to die.

What do I do with that kind of information? Did I hear it right? Are they just picking a random date for the shock of it and to teach me a lesson that I am not God and it isn't my right to dabble in that area or were they preparing me, being kind so to speak? It's a head spin and I wandered around for days with it in my head. Then looking through some photographs I had taken at the gathering I was am referring to, I noticed there were people in the photograph that certainly weren't there that night! Spooky people! I had actually stopped using the camera because we were outside at night and the flash wasn't working!! As well as the heavenly bodies a larger than large stark white orb and someone behind a chair as if they were trying to pull someone else back. I am not going to post the photograph you will just have to believe me. For goodness sake I am talking about someone's death and I am sure as heck not going to post a photo of them!!! Cruel or what? Mediumship is not something we know everything about and sometimes it isn't the magical "gift" (ugh hate that word!) that people think it is. We work hard and we are always learning, sometimes not via the easy route!

There are other times when we mediums have to be thick skinned. Sometimes your radar is bent, the spooks aren't up for it or you are just wrong. It happens. Why are mediums "bad people" if they get it wrong? We are called fakes and all sorts of nasty things, and yet if someone accidentally gives you the wrong change in Coles they aren't faking it! If a Doctor says you have gastro and you end up with a burst appendix (as happened in our family) it doesn't mean he got his MD out of a cereal box and is really a plumber called Bert! Be kind people, we are making our way into a world that no one understands.

I'm just saying right?

Saturday, 21 December 2013

The Silent Influence of Spook?

Sunday December 22, 2013

Intuitively speaking....A lot of mediums advocate “following your intuition” you know that little voice inside you that says “don’t eat that fourth piece of cake!” Ok well maybe not so much that but more like gut feelings when making decisions and danger or change may be approaching.  This is our spiritual self at work and we all have intuition we just don’t all follow it.

Sometimes without realising it, our intuition will tell us things without us actually realising it. In that case maybe it isn’t really “intuition” so much as that silent spook or spooks that follow us around helping us with “stuff.” I have always said and do believe that we are all connected on some level and one of the more bizarre areas of this is fantasy TV.  Now I am not saying that eventually everyone will end up going to Hogwarts and playing Quidditch or even that Lassie will come home but let’s look at some areas where imagination and intuition cross over.

One of the most famous is Star Trek and I admit that I am a fan, no one does it better than Shantner! But let’s look at Gene Roddenberry’s early ideas. The communication devices of the late 1960’s Star Trek looked a heck of a like the early flip open mobile phones to me! The desk top communications augured the arrival of laptops, flat screen TV’s and Skype for sure.  The greater use of nuclear power, acceptance of mixed races working in harmony with each other (although alien races is something yet to be proven but the world in general is mixing it up), was also promoted by the series. So what if the writer, not unlike Nostradamus, could see and predict the future but because it was in the future he didn’t know what he was predicting? When we look at the Paranormal movies, sensational as they are, there are some aspects of it that have been experienced by others. Slamming doors, waving lights and I have personally been physically dragged out of my bed.  

So were these movies and others like it created by the imagination of the writer or by intuition and spiritual “knowing?” Was there a spook leaning over the writer’s computer screen saying “Nah mate, doesn’t happen like that but like this…”  As the paranormal and spirituality goes from an underground doctrine that gets you a seat on a ducking stool or tied to a flaming stake to world wide acceptance and a multi-billion dollar industry, more and more people have experiences like those depicted in movies about the paranormal.

Going back to Nostradamus, he talked about big birds and princesses in his predictions but because he didn’t know in the mid 1500’s, of the technology of man-made flight, fast cars or the social structures of the future it was said he was inaccurate or that it was necessary to “twist his words” to make some of his prophecies true. Think of it like a cave man asking you if he can borrow your iPod but having no clue of the invention of the iPod to come. Frustrating concept isn’t it because something that hasn't been invented is being predicted!

What I am trying to evidence here is that spook is with us, moving us forward and giving us little pieces of the future. So many mediums will say they dream of or can predict world disasters and then wonder why they can do this but they can’t help in preventing it. Maybe they too are being told we need to shape up or we will all be shipped out, but not on the Enterprise of that I am sure.

Monday, 16 December 2013

What is it Like to be Dead?

Monday December 16, 2013

What is it like to be Dead? There have been many accounts of near death experiences and I have to say that my spooks have had rather a lot to say on the subject in my book. I suppose one thing that rankles them are the multitude of accounts of people “coming back from the dead” because you can’t if you are and if you do, you weren’t in the first place. Anyway that’s not what this is about but definitely a topic for another day!

We have talked about human people, us being spiritual and physical. The mind is the spiritual part and the body the physical part. They interact of course but what about when they are separated; completely?

The first and most easily identifiable part of this separation is sleep. Yes sleep, or any state of unconscious actually but sleep is the most common. When we are asleep and we dream, at the time of the dream we think it is real. Our state of consciousness during the dream is such that it is our reality. If we thought it was just a dream whilst we were dreaming then no one would have nightmares; prophetic dreams or see their loved ones. We would just opt out. “Nah this is just a dream, not real, not important.” How wrong you would be!
Nothing within us questions the content of dreams whilst we are in there and that is because it is our reality. If there are monsters, we fear them instead of saying “I’m not doing this I’ll just wake up because it’s not real.” In the dream state it is our reality and it doesn’t cross our mind to become conscious again to avoid it. If it is true deep sleep where the soul and the body separate, the choice is not a physical one to wake up anyway, we have to wait until whatever our mission is; be it during an afternoon nap, a long nights sleep or a cat nap on the couch.

Anyone who has ever had a serious operation or period of unconsciousness will have a better grasp of what we are saying. We wake up with no comprehension of time and the experiences we had whilst asleep until we were awake seemed so real. What we do whilst we are asleep? We don’t always remember but I am clearly told that sleep is not only necessary for physical and mental regeneration, but it is also a window to the world we go to when we die. A sneak preview so that when our time comes we not be afraid because we have been there before even if it is only to the waiting room or the doorstep.

When we dream we also don’t have a body. Sure you can look down and see fingers and toes as they are being eaten by zombies or floating on thin air, but the feeling during the dream-state is the body is there, but somewhat intangible. Usually if you are dreaming in the first person you will still see or more likely feel yourself but also feel like you are somewhere else as well. Bingo! You’re dead! Separated from your body, the only difference between that state and death is your biological body is still working and you still have somewhere to go back to when your state of conscious changes.

Again this is a grossly simplified version of a much more complex principal that my spooks don’t feel we are quite ready to comprehend yet. I am told we don’t know enough about the human mind to be able to debate this at present.

This is why mediums might say “Someone doesn’t know they have gone over yet.” Literally and particularly in the case of those who die suddenly or unexpectedly, they may think or assume they are still alive, maybe even dreaming; until something in their dream or those around them in spirit brings it and them to light that they are no longer a physical being.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The Spiritual Sponge

Wednesday December 11, 2013

Quite often someone will say “Jeepers so and so really brings me down” or “I don’t know why but today I felt really happy” Aside from clinical issues such as mood disorders and depression or the odd simply batsh*t crazy, there can also be a spiritual reason for feeling a certain way without being able to pinpoint the exact reason. 

Ever heard the phrase that someone’s laughter is “infectious” or “they can really motivate people?” Empaths can do this, as they can receive and decode others energies in order to feel them for themselves. They also have the ability to project their own energy; a cheerful upbeat person will more than likely whip up a group into the same emotional space, and intense maudlin person will unfortunately and most likely bring everyone down.
An empath, in spiritual terms is actually someone who “picks up” on others energy and most of the time are completely unaware they are doing it.  As we have discussed before, we are all two parts of one story; energetic beings as well as human beings. We have to make sure we understand this and we aren’t just energetic or just human, as being an empath is one of the classic examples of when the two parts of us can overlap. Human emotions are manifested or created by the transference of spiritual energy.

An empath is like an undeveloped medium if you like, they can already send and receive energetically they just aren’t at a stage where they can control or apply it. Having said that, we must not confuse an empath with a telepath as they are two distinctly different abilities and sometimes I wonder if there is such a thing as a telepath but we can get to that in another Daily Spook and when Arty explains it to me. As I write he tells me telepathy is not what with think, but let’s not get off topic here much as I would like to! Another Daily Spook on the story board!
An empath is a kind of spiritual sponge, absorbing energy and because our energetic force fields contain our emotional energy that is what transfers between the empath and those around them.  In the same way as a sponge soaks up water, it has to be wrung out occasionally to get rid of the excess and unwanted baggage and this is where empaths sometimes run into trouble, they don’t realise they need to be spiritually squeezed out periodically to remain spiritually and mentally healthy!

An empath can “feel” spirit because the part of us that creates our energy is the spiritual part of us.  Depending on the degree of spiritual empathy an empath can either just “feel” that there is a spook in the room or go to the other end of the spectrum and say “I felt Grandad was with me today” thus actually identifying the energy signature. Remember me saying I no longer need to see Arty because I know what he feels like now. It’s the same thing. The empath that can differentiate between general energy presence and energy definition is destined to be a strong medium if that is the path they chose to follow. It can be a momentary feeling or one that last minutes but the knowing and thus the wiring to do so is there. Mediums have to be empaths first but empaths don’t have to be mediums. This is not to be confused with being psychic though. Different thing altogether, a psychic reads energy by going to the energy.

Empaths also tend to have very strong intuition, whether their human self allows them to communicate and follow this is another issue and unique to each individual. This is where it gets complicated because sometimes an empath can pick up on others feelings and “own them” by assuming they are their own and letting them play out so to speak. If an empath picks up on a person who is depressed and anxious they can become so and the human confusion is not knowing why we feel like that. The uneducated empath will then apply these hijacked feelings to their own situation because they feel it and they don’t know why. An example is; Empath picks up someone else’s anxiety. Before they do that they have a normal happy life, good job and sound relationship and then without reason they develop fear about their job or their relationship. Knowing it is unfounded and being unable to pinpoint the reason they became more anxious and thus the feeling becomes theirs to deal with.  They make it theirs, and this is where the human and the spiritual collide and cause problems, particularly if the empath does not know they are one. This however should not be confused with the very real condition of mania, depression or anxiety and when we have constant destructive behaviours or negative thoughts we should talk about them and seek help. Sometimes an empath can expel these feelings simply by talking about them too. The energy is out there and dealt with. Other times the empath must ground and then protect themselves to shed the baggage that is not strictly theirs.

Empaths have to be careful not to pick up spooks who shouldn’t be there because they can be unintentionally magnetic when it comes to attracting other spook energies as well as human energy. Although the link between mental health and spiritual energy is complex and questionable there is no doubt during my research that I have found if a spook wants you to be depressed and you are an open empath, then you’re going to get down in the mouth. If a spook wants to get through to you and you are an empath you can find yourself thinking thoughts that might well not be your own; when Matthew arrived in my spook space I had a sudden urge for vodka when my drink of choice is champagne. It can also be an impulse to learn a new skill that you had previously never considered; I had a strong urge to do my pilots licence when I was younger and then ten years later found out my maternal grandfather was a pilot. Much of this was spook transmission because I was picking up on who was around me in spookland.
The other issue is that when a negative spook gets hold of an undiscovered empath they can ‘hide’ because they like the energy source. They will keep prodding and poking to keep you in a negative frame of mind because you are fuelling them and who cares what it is doing to you! An example of this was that a client of mine met a potential partner. She was confused as she adored him, felt everything was right but now and again she kept thinking how it wouldn’t last and happiness wasn’t possible with him. She came to me for a general reading and I mentioned to her that she had a spook around her. The mother of an ex-partner who was rather angry that the previous relationship with her much loved son had not worked and thus this spook was “meddling” in my client’s energy to try and stop her going forward. Mummy-spook wanted her to go back to her beloved son! My client admitted she didn’t want to go back to her previous partner as the relationship had run its course, but didn’t understand why she kept thinking of him when she wanted to go forward with her new partner but just couldn’t make the leap.  A short sharp chat with Mummy of ex-partner spook and kicking her out of my client’s spiritual space paved the way for a new relationship and without the anxiety of Mommy Dearest! Don’t forget the strongest spook communication is “thought and imagination.” If they want to they can put anything there that they want to and we have to recognise and get rid of it if we need to.
Using the ability of empathy is something we have to learn, again because whilst we are here on this spinning lump of dirt and water we have a human side that tends to interfere with our real self, our spiritual self. So being an empath is one thing but recognising it and applying it where it’s appropriate is another thing and is something that has to be learned carefully and with respect to spook!
In my experience empaths tend to experience one or all of the following;

·        You feel emotion very intensely and sometimes without warning or apparent reason.
·         You feel the need to look after or care for others less fortunate than you even if sometimes            it is to your detriment.
·         You have a high sense of morality and justice.
·         You instinctively like or dislike people.
·         You make decisions based on a gut feeling that is generally right
·         You worry or become concerned about people that may not be your real concern (friends of          friends, acquaintances)
·         Places have feelings for example you can walk into a house and know whether there is anyone        there without seeing them or knowing they aren’t there.
·         You have seemingly irrational feelings about places you have never been before; either you are        really attached or you strongly don’t like a particular place because of the feeling.
·         Your instincts will usually tell you if someone is being untruthful
·         You can answer yes or no questions without thinking about it
·         When you say “it will be alright” to someone who is in a difficult situation you are usually              right.

This is the simple version and as mentioned, not everyone is an empath so don’t assume if you have erratic moods that you are. If you are unable to cope with your feelings remember; Doctor/Counsellor first – medium second!

Next Daily Spook – Star Trek and Intuition!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Dark energy and a learning experience...

Monday December 2, 2013

All mediums are still learning, in fact every person is still learning until they die and then we are still learning but in a different realm.  Sometimes spook will grab you by the shirt collar and teach you something you need to know when you least expect it. Not only do they teach mediums not to be complacent but also that there is a lot more to life, here and there, going on around us and how it all fits together.

Here is a true story the kind of which hasn’t happened to me since the dark days of five years ago.  I have a friend who has had a gremlin energy around him for a while, over a period of time we managed to move it far enough out so it couldn’t keep up its antics; pinning him to the bed; menacing and growling and trying to make him think dark thoughts at a time in his life when there was no need to.  Usually these types of spook will attach if there are drink, drugs, trauma, depression or emotional problems. When we overcome the downswings of life which are never for ever, life goes back to normal but an attached negative energy will keep up the fight. This is to maintain their grip because without a negative energy source (unhappy person) they have less strength and eventually are so weakened they have to leave and evolve themselves.

Essentially when you are at your spiritual weakest if your spook door is open you are open to anything coming into your spiritual space and using you as an energetic power source. The unfortunate thing is the more you fear it, the more you give it life.  As a medium you learn to recognise these feelings, entities and even mean human spooks and shut them out or deal with them in line with your teachings so far. We have a gremlin on our property, our cottage is protected and the house is full of love so are we but we often see or feel it hovering around the veranda because he can’t get any further.  It’s almost as if next door has a vicious dog but its chain only stretches so far, that’s the principal anyway.

I am always happy to help with malevolent spooks, as most times if you can pinpoint why they are there, what they want and where we are facilitating them they are easy to manage right out of the spook door! I am not talking about possession or poltergeists though, just that nagging on and off dark spirit that likes to take you down further when you are already there.

Most people who have nightmares have them when they are really tired, if they are from a spiritual angle anyway. This is because when we are exhausted we are at our spiritual weakest because our energy is so depleted. One of the other most common times for the influence of negative energy to be strong is the day after a drinking binge. The evening of the hangover day because alcohol also induces exhaustion and the actual drunkenness is another time when we are unguarded.

Here is the story of last night; Having flown to Darwin and feeling completely exhausted, through my own doing as I stayed up until 5am talking! No alcohol involved just tired. The next day was full of beans and a planned afternoon nap didn’t happen and so by the time I went to bed I was well and truly almost dead on my feet. I walked into my room and noticed something in the corner, a dark shape, but arrogantly thought I know you and I already locked you so I just shut it out of my thoughts. I protected myself half heartedly and asked for protection for everyone else in the house and got into bed. P sat on my bed for a few minutes and we chatted and then she was gone. I said goodnight to my spooks and those I love and settled down.

Lying in bed watching something on my laptop the doona was suddenly drawn backwards and I was dragged off the bed by my feet. Landing hard on the floor I realised this was not a dream. I heard a few words, a name and an expletive as I was dragged across a tiled floor to the door. The moment I realised this was not a nightmare was when the door was opened and I was dragged through it. If it was in my head I would have been dragged through the solid door spook-style and no snarling spook would have troubled himself to open it because everything in a nightmare is representative and not physical. I fought and fought hard telling this spook that it was wasting it’s time because everyone in the house was loved and feared nothing from him.  As I was being dragged I had a fleeting sight of another of my young spooks and told him to get out as I knew he wasn’t strong enough to combat this. I don’t think he was there for me, I think he was there in fear of those he loves as it was his family in the house and he was waiting to see if the worst was going to happen. I remember hearing a reedy and faint voice saying “Fight Ally, fight please.”

As if a last ditch effort I saw a hand grab my forearm to drag me some more, I felt it but shook it off saying my protection words and assuring this gremlin that even though I was incredibly scared it was wasting it’s time.  As if to acknowledge this it let me go and the battered and scared heap that was me got up and made a cup of tea! It’s an English thing, in times of disaster, make tea!!!  I went into my room and it was a mess, covers and pillows strewn about and my close spread across the floor. It wasn’t a dream.

The gremlin was trying to drag me to my friend’s bedroom to show him that he got the better of the person that shut him out but I was having none of it, even if I was peeing my pants at the same time! I went and sat outside at midnight in the quiet. Anyone who knows me and has had a reading knows that I love the natural energy of the night to find my spooks in. It’s calmer so it’s easier. Arty came straight away and explained that it was too strong for him, but he knew there was a lesson in this for me and although it frightened me there was no real danger.

What I learned was and as romantic and story book as it sounds, is love. The spook knew I love the people around me and I would protect them, it was a promise I made to one of their spooks. Remember that people that in so many more ways that we can know, love does make the world go around.