Sunday, 23 February 2014

Spot the Difference?

Sunday February 23, 2014

Spirit? Entity or Energy? That is the question.  So it is a question I posed to Arty in the hope that once and for all he could clarify things, or at least point us in the right direction if it was to be another of those revelations that we aren't quite ready for yet.

We all know that a spirit is a spook in my world.  It is the soul if you like, the spirit of a human being who’s human biological form can no longer sustain them in the material world. As the mind and body part ways at the moment of death, this is what remains.  The unique change being that the spirit can now more freely exist on two different levels; the human and the everlasting. Biology tells us that the human brain creates electrical energy. We know that for sure. This energy is moulded into thought, emotion and feeling. The essence of us; our very spirit. Who we really are is what remains when our biological self is no longer viable. How many times have we heard the phrase that something "embodies the spirit" or "captures the spirit" because the word spirit in this sense means the true identity, who we really are and again the essence of us. We must also be clear that before the knowing and the evolution of our spirit we are who we are when we passed away. If we were a bitch in life we will be a bitch in the first stages of the afterlife and so it goes!

Entity. Spiritually speaking something completely different but  strangely also quite the same! An entity is a being that originated in the afterlife but has never been part of the human experience. Think of it like this; the universal energy is one huge great big piece of Play Doh and that big bright colourful lump of energy has to keep morphing to evolve and improve. As a small amount is pinched off to become part of a human life, it does just that. It learns and grows with the knowledge and wisdom it gathers along the way. An entity if you like, is almost an energetic leak! It shouldn’t be here and it rarely knows how to behave! It is neither male nor female as it has no human being and it just does what it does.

Such entities can attach themselves to other spiritual beings including human beings; so if that person has suffered trauma or abuse, two of the darkest and most miserable things that can happen to a living person, the door creaks open to allow a negative entity to fill the tank and hang around. Many people who think they are evil or can sense something bad or even have experiences where their personal interaction is physical with something malevolent, have suffered in some way; drug abuse; mental abuse; depression or loss and emotional damage. The reason for this is the mental trauma creates negative energy and the negative entity feeds off this. We cannot undo the past damage but we can manage and rid ourselves of it eventually. Deal with the trauma. Face it. Label it if you need to and then move forward. You can then file such experiences in the human mind (and thus the spirit) where it belongs rather than allow it to run amok and cause you further pain and hurt. The entity is then eventually starved of fuel and dissipates back into the greater universe.

Other ways that I have personally worked with malevolence with people is to identify it. Usually a malevolent energy will give itself some kind of form. I remember once doing battle with a mean entity and he decided to manifest himself grabbing my hand. It was grey, slim and bony with long fingernails. I looked down on it and thought, "aint no such beast" and therefore took it's credibility away. On another occasion the vision of Jack the Ripper was manifested and I actually believed it so it hung around for quite a few days after that until Arty told me it was false. So even when we are dealing with entities, we are still the ones that give them life or expiry with our own thoughts and feelings. Fear equals fatter for a negative entity.

A positive entity is quite different. They can manifest themselves as mischievous shapes and lights; children or even twinkly star like sprites. Again there is no such thing other than the raw positive energy and so the entities are just letting us know they are positive. People who see or feel these kinds of energies tend to feel momentarily happy or want to giggle and laugh. Same Play Doh  but from the pink section not the grey section. Never a human being just an entity that has slipped through and will slip back too.

Energy; Simple energy is attributable to both kinds of beings. It can be negative or positive but it is the force with which either exist as does everything. When we talk about energy and matter we now know that the source of human life had to be energy. It's all around us in different forms and frequencies both mad made (generated) or natural.

We have human energy that comes from eating, drinking and looking after ourselves; spiritual energy is created by our thought processes and patterns. Imagine each time you have a thought a little firework is shot out into the universe. If it’s a good thought the firework is blue if it is a bad thought the firework is green. We are creating this kind of energy all around us all the time. Arty gave me a really good example of how unseen energy can be proven. Rioting. Over the years there have been riots in England, France and Canada, fuelled by racism and above all the loss of an ice hockey game. Such riots were incited by a small group each time and then more and more people joined in once the actual event started. People can be seen on television footage looting and smashing, their destructive behaviour part of an energetic infection that has spread. When they got up that morning they had no intention of being angry, hateful and destroying property but somehow the energy; the mood, the energy spread, got under their skin and it happened.


Thursday, 20 February 2014

Family in Spook

Monday February 17, 2014

So many people say to me..."Who can you see around me" I think my Aunty/Mum/Dad is around me all the time." I often roll my eyes and think how do I deliver this other than just saying "Are you sure?" We always assume so many things when it comes to spook. A common one being if we lose someone we love and there is spiritual activity around us it's always them. Seriously if you lose someone ask yourself was that person with you 24/7 when they were alive? Then WHY would he be there 24/7 now!

Ok that all sounds really sad, and a little harsh by me I am sure, but this is how Arty and I see it. When someone passes away yes they do spend a lot of time with those they love and this includes everyone they enjoyed a positive connection with; athough if they favoured one person in life they will probably favour them on the flip side. We have to realise that once we have passed over we are also spirits in the spirit worlds. We have finished the human experience and we have to do whatever it is to be a good spook. I have never quite been able to get the details out of Arty but I know there is the knowing like like reviewing your life;  the good and the bad. I am not sure what comes next maybe Arty will tell us one day when we are ready.

As time passes those we have loved and lost are less connected back into their own human world and more and more centered on their own spiritual evolution. It is quite difficult for a family spook to go on with their own soul evolution because of the grieving process by loved ones in the human world. The thought energy of both love, anger, grief and other emotions does tend to hold those who have passed over closer to the earth plane for longer.

So why the eye rolling? Well when we feel someone around us sometimes it can be other family members who passed over earlier, friends, hijackers and even just energies. We also tend to exclude listening to our intuition,  gatekeepers and guides because we are focussed on the miracle of contacting our loved ones and assume they are on hand to answer our prayers, questions and just about everything else. We become one sided spiritually if you like. We also slow the process of our loved ones into the spirit realm by constantly "calling them back.". By assuming it is family all the time we are opening our spook door to  anyone. I'm not saying don't connect with your loved ones but if you do; protect yourself and close your spook door afterwards. It's just another part of learning and exercising caution in a world we don't truly understand.

Friday, 14 February 2014

Mediums are people too!

It’s not that I am unhappy about something so much as frustrated.  The reason I have decided to write this is because I have found it is not only me, it’s common to many mediums, psychics and readers and someone needs to say something.

Mediums are people and we do a job. Mediumship is like learning another language but trying to teach someone else at the same time. Interpretation can sometimes be an issue. We aren’t in your life-space or your reality so sometimes we don’t know where the message should be placed. So when we get it wrong can I ask you oh so very nicely not to beat us up!  Usually when a medium gets their working wings it’s because they have enough referrals – word of mouth says “She/He is ok” and it goes from there. Like any business it’s by reputation. I personally don’t ask for public feedback , if it comes it comes and if it doesn’t it doesn’t. Readings are private. Your Doctor or your Lawyer doesn’t post on his or her facebook page “Oooooh Mitzi Smith has a sore throat and I cured it!” 

Many mediums, me included will open their facebook pages for interaction. I have never met a medium who doesn’t get a substantial amount of inbox messages expecting a freebie reading. I give them when I can but only if it’s just a question but when you ask me for a full free reading I often wonder – Do you shoplift as well? This is our time and for many of us we do what we do as a full time or part time job. Me personally it just happened and I actually had a spook come to me and tell me I should be doing it. Reading that is. When I am doing a full reading for someone the entire process is over two hours. 

What I do wonder is – why are we then abused, unliked and berated for not giving freebies!  To do a reading it takes more than one person for me. I need my spooks, Arty, P and sometimes Matt. I might not have my spooky head on, I might not want to answer a question if I feel it will do damage and I NEVER answer questions about other people when they are not asked by that person; for example; is my boyfriend cheating on me! I am happy to answer questions for concerned parents and the like though. If you ask me if you are going to marry the man you are with; what happens if the answer is no! Are you going to go home and dump him? Are you going to be miserable because you are going to wait for him to drop you? What would you DO with that information? I don’t want to be responsible for that. Similarly if the answer is yes; what happens if your guy or girl isn’t there yet and thinking of marriage and you ruin the relationship by TELLING them something they don’t feel yet and they feel pressured? 

The other issue is we all do freebie question time. For me I make sure I have Arty and P around and its rapid fire. One question – short answer.  Usually I will get 30 or 40 questions and try and plough through them. I love giving people good things or steering them in the right direction – that’s what spook is for, guidance and love. Help and support. Yesterday  I missed a few as I was busy, getting ready for Darwin, Bali and a weekend away not necessarily in that order. I also have a life and went for drinks with friends. I was abused for missing some free questions!  What the heckers?  Reverends and Vicars receive a salary for the work they do and yet somehow there is a perception that mediums are b*tches or b*stards if they don’t work for nothing! it's weird as there is no other profession in the world that I know of where the practitioners are expected to work for nothing. Please if you disagree comment on my facebook page.

So all of that said and done; do you go to a Doctor, a Therapist or a Lawyer and take their advice and then refuse to pay? Do you complain that they didn’t give their service for free? The notion that mediums should do what they do because they are simply good people is wrong! We ARE good people and many of us do a large volume of work for free that isn’t publicised. Many of us have other work or other jobs or families that we have to attend to.

All I am saying is be kind to us and it is more likely we will be kind to you. Probably not good PR having a vent but it certainly shows a motza of self respect on my part and unbending support for my colleagues out there!

In the words of some sporting guy; "I love youze all.."  I do - so don't be mean!

Tuesday, 4 February 2014

Are all Mediums Mad?

Tuesday February 4, 2014

Well I know I am! Just a a good way! 

Something I have found and has been noticed by others is that many mediums have encountered some kind of trauma or traumatic event in their lives before they realised they were mediumistic. Another angle is that many mediums have or do suffer from depressive illnesses. That's not to say that all mediums are mental, crazy or slightly deranged but it is true it is a common thread amongst mediums. The question has to be asked why?

From personal experience I went through a really hard time for a few years, I won't go into the nitty gritty but as is mentioned in my book at one stage I just thought I would be better off dead. Thankfully I fought my way back to mental health and here I am today. What I did find during that period was that I could see and hear spook so easily that it also made me think I was mental! As we all know Arty was a doctor when he was in the human world; he was also an avid researcher into the afterlife both as a doctor and as a layman. So obviously when I get tricky questions like this I turn to him. The first thing we have to mention is that mediumistic skills are a exchange of energy. A coming together of two wavelengths that "fit" so the communication can happen. The spiritual and the human-spiritual. So maybe the answer is simple; when we are in a depressed state or the chemical changes that come with suffering trauma do something that affects the way we create our own electrical energy. The brain produces electrical energy, you know the snapping sinapses and all that stuff. It's electrical. This is another reason why there HAS to be life after death because we can't destroy energy we can only reform it; so it follows that when we die the electrical energy that is our mind. Anyway I have said that a million times so I won't harp on.

What I will say, oops correction what 'we' will say...sorry this; when we are depressed and that can cover a lot of things such as PTSD, psychological depression (I find that those who are clinically depressed aren't as mediumistic) or we have suffered severe trauma either as a one off or repeatedly, something happens to the way our brain processes that changes the electrical frequency and conductivity. What we have to remember here though is that any kind of mental illness is illness of the mind. The way we think and the way we process is affected and not the physical organ known as the brain. This sychological chanis not the same as a physical or chemical disorder such as schizophrenia or physical brain injury. 

Let's try and simplify this (thanks Arty I think I need that!).  In the case of me; I had cruel parents so throughout my childhood I was regularly traumatised. The person that should have grown up a happy go lucky reasonably intelligent woman was shaped by trauma. Had I grown up happier and more stable (can't believe I admitted that!) I probably would not have "noticed" spook around me let alone allowed them in, because my brain waves would have been "happier and zappier" and thus not at the frequency to allow spook in. We all know spook needs a constant and slightly slower brainwave to communicate well, it's why we meditate to connect. I am talking about "normal spook" not the fast moving high fizzing malevolence which is a completely different energy and needs fear to repeatedly manifest itself and is a stronger energy straight away. Yes, bad energy is stronger than good energy it's a fact, (insert sad face icon here  :( ).

How many people lose someone close to them and then find they know they are around, can sense them or even uncover their own mediumistic skills? I know quite a few and more than three quarters of them had no idea or inkling before that they were sensitive to spook! So whatever it is Arty explains it as a change in the physiology of the brain following trauma or psychological changes that allows us in! It is NOT a reward for going through any kind of hell. It is not a gift because we got through the tough time and it does not make us special, more deserving or elevated above others.

Feel free to post any comments or questions on my facebook page!