Tuesday February 4, 2014
Well I know I am! Just a little...maybe...in a good way!
Something I have found and has been noticed by others is that many mediums have encountered some kind of trauma or traumatic event in their lives before they realised they were mediumistic. Another angle is that many mediums have or do suffer from depressive illnesses. That's not to say that all mediums are mental, crazy or slightly deranged but it is true it is a common thread amongst mediums. The question has to be asked why?
From personal experience I went through a really hard time for a few years, I won't go into the nitty gritty but as is mentioned in my book at one stage I just thought I would be better off dead. Thankfully I fought my way back to mental health and here I am today. What I did find during that period was that I could see and hear spook so easily that it also made me think I was mental! As we all know Arty was a doctor when he was in the human world; he was also an avid researcher into the afterlife both as a doctor and as a layman. So obviously when I get tricky questions like this I turn to him. The first thing we have to mention is that mediumistic skills are a exchange of energy. A coming together of two wavelengths that "fit" so the communication can happen. The spiritual and the human-spiritual. So maybe the answer is simple; when we are in a depressed state or the chemical changes that come with suffering trauma do something that affects the way we create our own electrical energy. The brain produces electrical energy, you know the snapping sinapses and all that stuff. It's electrical. This is another reason why there HAS to be life after death because we can't destroy energy we can only reform it; so it follows that when we die the electrical energy that is our mind. Anyway I have said that a million times so I won't harp on.
What I will say, oops correction what 'we' will say...sorry Arty..is this; when we are depressed and that can cover a lot of things such as PTSD, psychological depression (I find that those who are clinically depressed aren't as mediumistic) or we have suffered severe trauma either as a one off or repeatedly, something happens to the way our brain processes that changes the electrical frequency and conductivity. What we have to remember here though is that any kind of mental illness is illness of the mind. The way we think and the way we process is affected and not the physical organ known as the brain. This sychological chanis not the same as a physical or chemical disorder such as schizophrenia or physical brain injury.
Let's try and simplify this (thanks Arty I think I need that!). In the case of me; I had cruel parents so throughout my childhood I was regularly traumatised. The person that should have grown up a happy go lucky reasonably intelligent woman was shaped by trauma. Had I grown up happier and more stable (can't believe I admitted that!) I probably would not have "noticed" spook around me let alone allowed them in, because my brain waves would have been "happier and zappier" and thus not at the frequency to allow spook in. We all know spook needs a constant and slightly slower brainwave to communicate well, it's why we meditate to connect. I am talking about "normal spook" not the fast moving high fizzing malevolence which is a completely different energy and needs fear to repeatedly manifest itself and is a stronger energy straight away. Yes, bad energy is stronger than good energy it's a fact, (insert sad face icon here :( ).
How many people lose someone close to them and then find they know they are around, can sense them or even uncover their own mediumistic skills? I know quite a few and more than three quarters of them had no idea or inkling before that they were sensitive to spook! So whatever it is Arty explains it as a change in the physiology of the brain following trauma or psychological changes that allows us in! It is NOT a reward for going through any kind of hell. It is not a gift because we got through the tough time and it does not make us special, more deserving or elevated above others.
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Feel free to post any comments or questions on my facebook page!
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