Thursday, 20 February 2014

Family in Spook

Monday February 17, 2014

So many people say to me..."Who can you see around me" I think my Aunty/Mum/Dad is around me all the time." I often roll my eyes and think how do I deliver this other than just saying "Are you sure?" We always assume so many things when it comes to spook. A common one being if we lose someone we love and there is spiritual activity around us it's always them. Seriously if you lose someone ask yourself was that person with you 24/7 when they were alive? Then WHY would he be there 24/7 now!

Ok that all sounds really sad, and a little harsh by me I am sure, but this is how Arty and I see it. When someone passes away yes they do spend a lot of time with those they love and this includes everyone they enjoyed a positive connection with; athough if they favoured one person in life they will probably favour them on the flip side. We have to realise that once we have passed over we are also spirits in the spirit worlds. We have finished the human experience and we have to do whatever it is to be a good spook. I have never quite been able to get the details out of Arty but I know there is the knowing like like reviewing your life;  the good and the bad. I am not sure what comes next maybe Arty will tell us one day when we are ready.

As time passes those we have loved and lost are less connected back into their own human world and more and more centered on their own spiritual evolution. It is quite difficult for a family spook to go on with their own soul evolution because of the grieving process by loved ones in the human world. The thought energy of both love, anger, grief and other emotions does tend to hold those who have passed over closer to the earth plane for longer.

So why the eye rolling? Well when we feel someone around us sometimes it can be other family members who passed over earlier, friends, hijackers and even just energies. We also tend to exclude listening to our intuition,  gatekeepers and guides because we are focussed on the miracle of contacting our loved ones and assume they are on hand to answer our prayers, questions and just about everything else. We become one sided spiritually if you like. We also slow the process of our loved ones into the spirit realm by constantly "calling them back.". By assuming it is family all the time we are opening our spook door to  anyone. I'm not saying don't connect with your loved ones but if you do; protect yourself and close your spook door afterwards. It's just another part of learning and exercising caution in a world we don't truly understand.

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