Wednesday, 23 April 2014

Industry Standards? Don't make me drop a house on you!

Anyone who knows me knows there were a few weeks in March/April where things were a bit rough to say the least. The most shocking thing was that a lot of the hurt was caused by other practising mediums trolling me on Facebook! People that I don’t know, who have never met and quite honestly I don’t want to meet them! It lead me off in the direction of some research and I was gobsmacked with what I found! This industry needs professional and moral guidelines because it’s seems sometimes a mediums moral compass accidentally points to “bitch!” Because we are spiritual people we seem to think we can get away with it too!

The psychic arts are a multi- billion dollar industry, unregulated and unsupervised. No one has to answer to anyone. F-k you all! We can do what we like when we like and hang the consequences.  We can charge as much as we like, call it what we like and make as many claims about our abilities as we like. A tepid application of the Trade Practices Act might get you your money back but who wants to go through that kind of embarrassment and expense?

If a Doctor, Lawyer, Check Out Operator or Cleaner did or publicly said some of the things that have happened over the last few months they would undoubtedly be in serious trouble. At the very least humiliated for their gross lack of professionalism and warned by their employer or ruling body. Heck even one of John Edward’s staff jumped on the bandwagon by making publicly spiteful comments about someone else when allegations by a random nutter were posted on his page. Why would someone like him bother? People are so desperate to be the next John Edward, but you don’t fool me. You want the money and the big house, the fame and the recognition. The material stuff, not the feel good, that’s just a bonus to roll in after the crowds have adored you and you have waved goodnight.

My research indicates a large number of Australian and US Facebook pages that are owned by mediums are also used to bitch out other mediums or metaphysical practitioners. To make sly comments, open and scathing criticism and generally mud sling and bleat not very sweet nothings about people who apparently share the same goal; the greater good. No other industry or profession does this!!!!

Just before I go any further I would like to say I have had the absolute HONOUR of never having a client express any kind of disappointment in me. Ever. It doesn’t mean it isn’t there or that it isn't coming at me one day, but so far never has a client seen fit to attack me. It might come and if I deserve it, my chin will be sticking out and ready to take it.

So how did we let it get so out of control? How did we go from people who genuinely deal in love and light and the energy of God to egotistical malicious hurtful people who attack anonymous individuals or name names because we simply think we are better than them? How did some of us become vipers who goad others into a vicious frenzy so they cause harm and hurt? Then hide behind social media, ‘pen names’ or the skirts of sacrificial friends?  It seems we will do everything we can to enhance our own reputation by spewing forth angels, auras, peace love, mung beans, fairies and butterflies but at the same time spit fire and the f-word whilst doing everything we can to destroy someone who, in the grand scheme of all things our own  is completely meaningless?

Can you imagine if Coles and Woolworths decided to launch attacks on each other because they both sell cornflakes? Stop for a minute because that is exactly what is happening. Petty jealousy, rivalry, and EGO.

Do clients really want to seek hope and guidance from people who take others lack of tolerance and understanding only to weave them into a hangman’s noose?  Do we really need to trust in someone who makes poison darts for others to send on their way? What HAVE we done? We think we are oh so good with our connection to spirit and our “loved ones” and “God” and the “Divine” but we haven’t evolved spiritually at all! We should be ashamed of ourselves!  We have learned something new  about the two worlds in which we live and have no real clue what it could possibly mean to the human race we are too busy making money, the understanding can come later right? We have de-volved not evolved. We have caved in. In the wrong hands active spirituality is just a money machine, an ego trip.. We aren’t learning to be good and kind through our own spiritual connection. We are learning pomposity, greed, avarice, competition and spite. We are learning that we must destroy the next person in case they are better, bigger or stronger than us. Look what happened to Jesus when the power brokers feared his compassion and passion. Nothing has really changed has it. Shame on me. Shame on you. Shame on all of us for dragging God out from his chair and shooting at his feet to make him dance so we can get our face on the internet, or better still on the telly.

The power of God and the Universe is scientifically, morally and spiritually stronger than we can comprehend. Unseen life and forces can communicate and move amongst us, seeing hearing and knowing everything we do and think.  It goes without saying that the life after death is a wiser, kinder and much more humble way of being. That is why we use it to guide us and to teach us.  Only we turned prophets into profit without turning a hair.

I admit I make a very small part of my living out of reading and so far my spiritual helpers (my beloved Arty and P mostly, but there have been and I am sure there will continue to be others along the way) have been kind and supportive and I have managed to do right by others as far as I know.  I’m not going to say I don’t enjoy it. I have had more laughs with and involving dead people than live ones recently. A medium once said to me, “You have more dead friends than live ones.” I wonder why? I love my human friends very much, but these last few months and my factual research has left me reeling and wondering what motivates someone who practices the psychic arts to then show their dark side so vehemently and so viciously.

I know for sure that not everyone is like this and I thank God, literally. This is just another and hopefully tiny facet of the industry. Are we really so dumb that we are reading, and seeing and connecting for other people but we don’t get the message ourselves? I am sure my beloved Arty and P would drop a house on me if I ever behaved like that.  The world is awakening and it won’t be long before we are all our own spiritual counsel and mediums won’t be needed. Make hay whilst the sun shines but don't steal anyone else's sunshine whilst you are doing it. There is plenty to go around.

Me? I took a year out of work to write a book and explore my own spirituality after spending years battling with it, not really understanding it and trying to find out where it fits in my life. For the most part I have loved and been loved  and have met some truly beautiful people, mediums, psychics and everyone in between and on either side! But the tiny peek into the human dark side of this "industry" has left me reeling. I’m not the only one either but I am not here to speak for others. I am here to speak for me, and me alone in the hope that others who have been subjected to this kind of treatment (I can name 9 without trying!) can be heard by default.

Kindness costs nothing. Your ego will cost you everything. You can be sure of it.

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