Tuesday, 15 April 2014

What's the word on EVP? Part I

Tuesday April 15, 2014

I am not a scientist. Not even close. I had an asthma attack in a chemistry class once when we were doing something with magnesium sulphate and accidentally electrocuted myself trying to change a power plug. I was 7, give me a break ok! So what qualifies me to write about EVP, electronic voice phenomena? Well other than Arty and Nikola Tesla nothing to be honest. I first saw Tesla as mentioned in my book when I wrote it and he tried to explain electronic things to me in terms of communication. He had to dumb it down. I mean really dumb it down so I could understand communication by spook. So there you go; that's what qualifies me to write about it. Expert advice I don't understand! 

Let's start with the obvious and something I repeat a lot. Our "minds" are the part of us that is spiritual. That intangible part of us that only we can get into and the place where we generate thoughts and feelings that are totally unique to us. We may one day be able to transplant a brain but never a mind. Never mind. 

Our brain creates electrical energy, our mind IS electrical energy that we then individually play doh into thoughts, dreams, spiritual experiences. It is the part of us that remains after death. We have labelled this energy a type of electromagnetic energy.  That's what we call it because it acts like EME, which means that the first place you should look for spooks in your house is more than likely in the microwave! Different frequency perhaps or we would all be able to boil cabbage in our ears! 

We must remember though when making claims of recording the dead that they have absolutely no biological attributes that enable speech and speaking as we know it. So we aren't recording voices of any kind. No way no how. It is simply not possible. It is like when people ask me when I talk to their loved one's do I hear "a" voice or do I hear "their voice".  It's "a" voice although sometimes I will be given an accent, a word or a phrase they used to use which helps validate them. But I am not physically "hearing" voices, my mind is downloading a message, essentially from another "mind" and I am decoding it.

Confused yet? Let's go deeper! So what exactly are we recording? Who is making the noise and how do they, if they do, make it sound like words? It's not a "mind" connection because we are recording it on a mechanical device. I have done a few experiments, one was leaving a digital recorder on "meeting" mode overnight and aside from my husband snoring and making other "man noises" we also heard people walking across a wooden floor, what sounded like squeaking wheels and muffled talking. Kind of scary are we were living in a warehouse apartment at the time with a carpeted bedroom. What we seemed to be hearing was the noises in the old tobacco factory that was the converted building we now call home. We had carpet on the floor in the bedroom so there was no way the noises could have possibly been "other stuff" happening whilst we were sleeping - a mouse with clogs on maybe? We didn't live in a windmill so it couldn't be. 

My very first EVP experiment was accidental a product of leaving a tape recorder running overnight. It was part of a "stereo" unit so there was no external microphone. The morning after there was nothing on it other than a clear voice (not distorted) saying remember me....we had a little boy.  Unknown to me at the time I was about a month pregnant and yes I had a boy. Who was saying remember me? I don't know - a past life connection? A spook who had visited once before? I don't know but whoever it was it was like a reintroduction rather than a request.

But here are where my experiences and others end because all the EVP recordings I have heard to date have been unclear, sometimes hard to validate or interpret properly and involve non mediums but rather people with voice recorders.  The human brain is a fickle little piece of us. It can drive us off on wild goose chases so if we want to hear something there is a good chance we can distort our own thinking to distort the crackle and hiss of EVP into a scary message or a warning in a lunatic asylum.

So HOW does it work if indeed it does? Where do science and the natural being of life cross over? Part II is where we find out who said what in the spook world. 

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