Monday, 1 July 2013

The Reality of Dreams

Tuesday July 2, 2013

Sometimes when I talk about dreams people say, "I don't dream," and I think what's with that...? Do you have no soul??? It's a pretty ignorant comment by me I know but to me dreams are one of the ways that we connect to Spooksville, most of the time without being fully aware. 

Now at the risk of some severe gruntle dissing, I have to say I do not subscribe to the theory that dreams contain symbols such as if you dream of snakes you are going to get a new handbag and if you dream of water you were a whale in your last life. In my school of thought there are three things going on; the subconscious anxieties and happiness of normal every day life making the most of our unconscious state to manifest themselves. I'm not a psychiatrist or a psychologist but I guess that is where we are unable to fully articulate the feeling an uninhibited conscious level so we have to dream it when the real and natural us, ie our subconscious, gets center stage.

The spiritual dreams I have found are quite different. In my colourful head they even look different but here are some things I have found over the years; Spook uses our "memory bank" to create messages, as according to Arty this takes the least amount of energy. People in our dreams very rarely represent who they are, let me give you an example; I had a friend of mine who is an accountant and I had a predictive dream about him, but in the dream they used the CFO of a company I was working for to "play him".  Why? Well they both qualified at the same firm were the same age and were obviously accountants AND the CFO man was a more recent memory so I guess easier to get at!  When you have a dream message don't get bogged down in the detail either, look at the whole story and don't pick over the detail.  Here is another example; I dreamed of two friends who had invested in a business and lost a lot of money and then as if to break the scene one of them got up and ran across the floor to give CPR to their 3 year old son and he lived. The message? The business wasn't dead and could be revived, it was their baby.  It was, they did and so far they are all living happily ever after! It wasn't a warning someone was going to nearly drown.

Finally, and at the risk of rambling....there are visits.  Lots of times my spooks will ambush me either last thing at night or first thing in the morning when I am literally half asleep. They know they can get in without too much trouble when I am in a relaxed and dopey state.  That sort of thing you have to take it for what it is. If you see a departed relative or friend, they are indeed just visiting. Sometimes they have things to say sometimes they are just dropping by.I remember rolling over in bed one morning and seeing my mate Gav who died quite a few years ago. He looked at me and said, "Time for you to go home."  He was from Melbourne and that is where our relationship had begun before he passed, and here I am in Melbourne. I didn't leap out of bed and start packing as soon as I saw him though. The entire move had to be humanly practical which brings me to one final word of caution.

If you are entering your own spook space, whether by learning or having readings or anything like that remember you are still human and for the most part of this leg of the journey you have to remember that. I read for lots of people who get a bit obsessed with it all and I have been there myself believe me. Balance it and temper it because if you don't you might find you get more than you bargained for ('The Dark Days' Chapter in my book...what do you mean you haven't read it yet! Harrumph!)

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