Thursday June 27, 2013
Intuition people! Even Einstein knew about it! Actually did you know that most of the most infamous and famous scientists, Pasteur, Tesla, Einstein, Newton, Edison, Da Vinci and so many more all had a passion for research into the afterlife as well as being known in their own right for their discoveries. Research into life after death had to be conducted almost in secret then lest they be decried as loonies or cast out by the church.
So what about intuition and why do we want to talk about it today? Well intuition is all about backing yourself and believing in yourself, your inner self. Someone told me today they didn't like the feel of one of the spooks around me, my intuition told me he was good for me so I wasn't swayed by their opinion although it came from someone who's opinion always means a lot to me and that I never dismiss easily. I backed myself and then went and had a but of a lark around with him and he is sitting on the couch looking at me as I write this. Arty told me to be true to myself and the rest would fall into place. P told me to hold my head up high and her and I are about to open a mega can of worms over the coming months too! More later!
So what do we do when our intuition tells us that someone is not being truthful or loyal to us as a friend or a family member? Today just that happened to me. My radar went up and started blipping twice, on two separate occasions. the human me was deflated the spiritual me kicked in. Of course I can't prove it and if someone has lied or betrayed you they aren't then going to admit it! It's like accusing someone of stealing. Unless you catch them red handed you are taking a big risk and being mightily arrogant by asserting you are in the right even if that "knowing" is there, and yet Einstein thought it was more important than logic and reason!! Well it depends how you deal with it, don't ignore it, no no no no....but deal with it in a dignified manner not in a foot stompy way. Jeepers if we used our intuition more most readers would have no business because we would trust in us. I used to be accused of having a bullshit radar by my ex husband because I always knew when he was twisting things for his own gain! My son was caught in that beam too, lots of times when he was a teenager!
The trick to intuition is don't analyse or over think it because the minute you do that it's not intuition it's an argument between your logical self and your spiritual self and no one wins, except confusion. If Einstein thought it was the way to go, how about you give it a go too!
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