Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Greed and the Modern Spook!

Wednesday November 6, 2013

For those of you who have no idea what the Melbourne Cup is, which means you have either been living in a cupboard for the last 100 years or you aren't Australian; it's "the race that stops a nation." The first Tuesday in November when even the staunchest non-gamblers lose their shirts, their marbles and all sense of reality for most of the day. It's like the Grand National in the UK but without the hurdles, but the same party-but-we-have-no-idea-why-really atmosphere! Maybe the US equivalent is the Kentucky Derby?? Not sure but I am getting a little bit off the race track here...

I am a firm believer that spook cannot be used for material gain, trust me I have tried it!  That is not to say you can't make a living out of it - vicars get paid and they essentially work for God, Doctors get paid and they save lives so mediums should get paid too if they practice their craft with integrity and soul. There is a difference though between working for your living and profiteering.  Many of us joke about getting the lotto numbers from spook, you know taking the easy way out or in to a better life but the fact is to my knowledge no one ever has been successful at getting this out of spook. That's not to say they won't foretell a material gain, I remember when I sold my car they came and told me straight up I would get more for it than I paid...and I did! I don't believe they made that happen though.  Take James Randi and his "tell me my mothers maiden name for $2 million" offer. Has anyone taken it up? Has anyone succeeded? No and no one ever will. Possibly because of Mr Randi's rather tight and unreasonable controls surrounding the experiment but also because spook won't allow it. What a horrible world we would live in if we could simply 'meditate to accumulate.'

Having said that Me, Matt, Arty and P set off on a mission the day before  the Melbourne Cup and we almost pulled it off! The night before the race I gathered my spook posse and asked for some help in backing the winner. I have to say here that every year of the Melbourne Cup I have dreamed of something that indicates the winner but have never put a bet on. Don't know why, you would think I would be smarter than that but no! I think it's a conscience thing. I am happy to pass the info on to others to do with it what they will, but I can't do it myself. So..anyway, we had a bit of a chat, me and the crew, and I asked for something to help us back the winner.  This is the bit where we say, well if they are prepared to give you "clues" and "indicative responses" why don't they just say one or two words ... the name of the winner must be much easier right?

Wronggggg! Although communication with spook for the most part remains a mystery, I do know one thing (and this is the bit where I get beheaded, hung, drawn, quartered and made to walk the plank) We have abused communication with spook so much, they WON'T give us what we want until we respect it a little more. WHY would they hand out material gain when we can't even be kind to each other? How radically would it change the world, mediums would be paid millions for  six numbers and the green back would be king. Greed is symptomatic of the evolution of modern man and there aint no way they are going to endorse it.

Having said that, and if you read my facebook page you will get the detail of the message, they gave me enough to try and work it out in that; the one I thought would win wasn't the right one and the winners jockey wore purple. There were quite a few purples in the field and whaddya know ...I chose the wrong one! Close, but no cigar! In this case spook did exactly what they always do in any situation...a little guidance but the choices from thereon in are up to you!

Use them wisely people :)

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