Thursday, 14 November 2013

Gremlins in your Head?

Friday November 15, 2013

If you have read my facebook page you will know that I refer to any kind of malevolence, strong or weak, as a gremlin. It's just a turn of phrase, trust me they aren't cute like the little guy to the left!

Sometimes less than friendly energy can be seen, this looks like a swarm of tiny bees, a black shape that is not really any shape at all, it moves and morphs. I have had a few clients who have seen this and I have too. That's energy of an entity not to be confused with a less than friendly person who has passed over. Different thing. Let's also not confuse this kind of energy with a poltergeist either. Different thing too. We are only dealing with the influence of energy at the moment and the impact on the spiritual human.

Many people have questioned whether there is connection between the mental health of a person and their spirituality, specifically moods and attitude. I remember when P first came around me, before I realised she was really there I went through this phase where I dyed my hair black (I am blonde) and started really paying attention to my appearance. I wouldn't even go to the shops in my tracksuit pants! As I got to know and see P I realised this was her influence as it was exactly what she was like, dark haired and always well presented no matter what. When Matt started hanging around with me I developed a real liking for vodka, not a drink I had enjoyed before but his favourite and a big favourite of mine these days I tell you - thanks Matt! You get the picture? We CAN be influenced by the energy around us which goes back to yesterdays blog where we talked about thought energy. Although scientifically spook energy is thought to behave like electromagnetic energy Nikola assures me they are not exactly the same but it is as close as we will get to defining it in my generation.

Another example; Once I was out in the garden pottering about and for some unknown reason I began thinking how useless my life was and how I hadn't achieved anything. NOT TRUE! I checked myself and began questioning why I felt like that? A few days later I started seeing the spook of a young woman in my cut a long story short she had suicided in her 30's. I had "picked up" her energy. I got rid of her and all went back to an even keel and I stopped having such stupid thoughts, I love my life!

How many of us have a sudden thought about a lost loved one for no reason? Is it just a random thought or did they just visit you? Most times it is a passing visit...recently I had a name in my head it was really bugging me as I couldn't see anyone just the name in my head and nothing else. After a while I mentioned it to a guy that works on this property and managed to describe the man (early 1900's bare knuckle fighter) he just looked at me and said "that's my great grandad Sam! Ding! It started with Sam influencing my thoughts with his energy to get his message across!

So how can it go the other way? Instead of us putting out thought energy, how do we absorb their energy and influence other than harmless things like dyeing our hair and boozing on vodka? Sometimes when we "mess" with spook we can pick things up. Unprotected use of ouja boards, irresponsible evp recordings (going into a "haunted place" and just doing it) and other divination techniques that require the input of spook energy. Once they are "through your door" they are there unless they get bored, find someone else to harrass or you get rid of them.  The thing is unless we are open to spiritual concepts we actually believe it is our own thoughts and desires and go with it. So next time you have a dark thought and you wonder why, ask yourself "Do I really FEEL like this?" However don't dismiss guidance from spook when you get the urge to do something good, intuition IS spook energy at it's best and is there to help.

Well, first thing is we must not confuse the human with the spiritual.  Sometimes human people are mean and that's all there is to it. Not every mean person is affected by spook, some people are just plain and simple quite horrid. Sadly their targets are usually the nice people because they are less defensive and refuse to believe the potential for badness in others until it is in their face. When we are affected by spook how do we get rid of them? Well first up it depends how strong they are and what their energy source is. If you are a miserable person who thinks the world is against you, you are practically taking a mean spook out to dinner every night so don't expect anything good to happen any time soon! But what happens if it goes the other way and you were a happy person with a positive outlook and all of a sudden it all turns to the proverbial.  You have possibly picked up a freeloader. If you know a good and reputable medium who doesn't want your firstborn and the shirt off your back, ask them to look around you. Once you have identified it you can target it, if you like. You KNOW what you are dealing with you are ahead of the game already. If it is a mild meanie then usually asking your gatekeeper and your guides to shut the door on it and protect yourself at night (which is when they like to refuel because of your unconscious and largely defenceless state)..ask for it every night and morning though not just once!

Again, we are talking here about the influence of energy around us and not real life. Sh*t happens in real life and sometimes it is just that. What we are dealing with here is our moods and our thoughts because our deeds are largely a matter of our own free will.

I do hope this makes sense people! 

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