Sunday November 17, 2012
I think this is a rather contraversial subject as many mediums anD psychics simply insist that Nanna Jones or Grandpa Simpson are their guides. I can only repeat what Arty and the Others tell me. In life Arty was not only a medical doctor but undertook extensive research into the metaphysical. Understandably then I am reluctant to dismiss his advice because he is my teacher and my mentor. He's not a guide though.
The burning question here is, how come, when it makes such perfect sense for our loved ones to be the ones to guide us from the other side, that they are not. There are number of reasons the most pertinent being; Spiritual Evolution - When Nanna Jones passes over she hasn't been through enough spiritual learning to be a guide, she doesn't wipe her shoes on heavens doormat and come back without a blink of an eye! What about who was there guiding you before her? Were they just booted out because they were nothing more than a spiritual bookmark now Nanna has made it to the Pearlies? Nope! Most people who can connect with their guides will find they are from another generation. One of mine is a Taoist Monk and another from somewhere in the 1940's. So even in our years in terms of timelines they have both had tens and sometimes hundreds of years to go around the block and learn. When we die we don't just take a ticket and start a new job. What if we are coming back because we are yet to learn all we need to learn in the human world? What? Do we just stop off to guide a relative because all of a sudden we know all there is not know to guide a mortal? Again. Nope! Guides are highly evolved spiritual beings that assume their last human form to make themselves known and that is only because we as a race are not advanced enough to recognise them any other way, but we have talked about that before. How in spirit you have no human form any more but they have to manifest one we can relate to so we can ....well relate to them. Higher evolved mediums recognise energy signatures and don't need the visual so much. Not that I consider myself better than anyone else but there are a few spooks now that I know so well by their energy signature that I don't need to see them; Arty, Matt, P, Joe and a few others to name but a few. Communication is easier because they don't need to use that huuge surge of energy to manifest before they speak.
The second issue is emotional attachment and influence. I had a situation in a reading recently where a family member came in and basically did some foot stamping because they wanted things a certain way. I read for a man this week too, who had the spooks of his ex wife's family around him, goading him to go back and that is not something he wanted. Let's not forget until we are sufficiently evolved when we make our way to the afterlife we still have our same personalities, thoughts feelings and emotions. In this case the family of the ex wife were trying to orchestrate things so their family member was happy - just like a normal living family would want. So can you imagine having a guide who has their own personal agenda because they knew you in a mortal life, or are related? It would be chaos because it would be emotionally and not spiritually driven!
The third issue is our attachment to family members. If a family member is a guide (not forgetting that they never are) we will lean on them and attach to them. This means they are largely bound to our energy because we keep thinking about them and are pleased in some way that they are still here, so we keep them here with those thoughts feeling and emotions. Our guides in particular fulfill roles that are required for this particular life lesson. Two of mine are; motherhood (I wasn't a natural trust me but we did ok!) and wisdom. Clearly things I didn't do too well on my last lap of the globe in terms of me being savvy! If we become emotionally attached then they aren't guiding us because we will tend to ask them "what to do next." Guides are here to just show you what will be if you keep going and then they step back and let you make your choices from there. Guides are also not as visible to the spiritual eye as others because they are further from the earth plane and their energy is more refined, sort of a higher frequency if you like. They hang around more in your spiritual space rather than your human space.
Family members do come and go with helpful suggestions, sometimes interference and other times stark directives to assist on our path but they also have to go off and do their spooky thing so they too can learn and grow. They don't have time to be guides, but they do drop by to help.
Gatekeepers are much the same. Highly evolved beings who give an apparition of identification and their last given name. Mine is John Trumble. I never knew him in life but now that I can identify with him, I can talk to him about protecting me, and who can and can't come in. Obviously the early 1900's was his last fling on the planet so that's how he comes to me. It's his job to man the door to my spook space and clearly by the lessons he learned throughout his earthly beings (he tells me he had 9 stints) he now knows how to guard the gate. And I love him for it, he does an amazing job sometimes under such difficult circumstances because I am a rather spiritually social butterfly!
In short, someone of your own generation or family will never be a guide even if they are around to help often.
Thanks Arty, I think we get it now! Tomorrow we will talk about how to meet your gatekeeper and form a relationship so you can shore up your protection.
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