Monday, 18 November 2013

Why Do Spooks Use Signs and Symbols

Monday November 18, 2013

Seriously why do they do that? I must admit I have found it frustrating when one minute Arty is talking to me and the next he is showing me something. One minute P is waltzing across the lounge (literally, she does that a lot) and the next she shows me a beautiful sapphire ring, for example. When Matt first came he spoke to me as he would if he were this side of the cloud cover, he was adamant, "I'm not going until you promise"...but in more recent times he has brought only a few words or a picture. Trust me you wouldn't want to see some of the images he brings me!  Anyway I got to thinking how come we don't just yabber on like a couple of old mates when they appear?

Well, we go back to that old chestnut, energy and the mind.  First of all we must understand that spooks do not have unlimited energy that they can use willy nilly when they like to get their message across. They have spook existences far beyond the reaches of our comprehension. The energy has to come from somewhere when they communicate though. Those who have passed over recently tend to have more ability to communicate in the human than those who have passed over long ago because they can draw on the literally, dying embers of their physical energy too. 

This is also why many spooks appear in dreamstate, particularly soon after they have passed. They still have remnants of the human and use our dreamstate because it is literally the path of lease resistance. I know when I first started seeing spook that I would get all excited and as such my energy would change and interfere with theirs, whereas when we are asleep we have no conscious control and therefore don't get a spike in emotion that may disrupt the connection.  

But why when a medium is reading do we say "I have a man called Sam here and he is showing me a book, was he a writer or do you have a book of his?"  Why doesn't Sam just open up and say "I left her a book in my will," so he can validate himself (which is what those kinds of things are for) and then get onto the good stuff? 

Well when they use signs and symbols they are combining their energy and ours so they don't have to create the whole thing from scratch which takes a lot of juice I can tell you. Let me give you an example that I hope is relatively simple (Arty always makes them simple he knows sometimes I can't get my head around it!);

Sam the spook comes into a reading for Sally.  Sam left Sally a book in his will and was also an insurance broker. So when I look at him I see a man with a book wearing  a bowler hat. So I tell Sally this and say - he is holding a book out to you so I feel he gave you a book. He is wearing a bowler hat so that suggests to me he was a business man.  Sally says yes, recognises Sam and we go on. They have connected.

Let's say on the other hand Sam just came through appeared so I could describe him and said to me "Hi I am Sam, I was a businessman and I left her Sally complete Encyclopedia Brittanica in my will"

The first option Sam uses what is in Sally's mind and mine. Hence when we say "spooks connect." He knows in my spook language a bowler hat means a business man because I am English you see, so the bowler hat is part of my thoughts and memories that he draws on to make his point. It's already there he doesn't have to create it. He uses Sally's memory of the book in the same way. Let's say he used 4 parts of his own energy and three of Sally's and three of mine which means because he can use her and my energy he can stay a little longer and communicate at will when it comes to the important stuff.

In the second scenario it ALL comes from Sam and his energy and it has to be at exactly the right frequency that I can hold him for long enough. He has to manifest AND create the message from scratch in an environment of changing energy and so he uses the whole 10 energy points and is pooped before he begins!

This is why when we hear spooks speak "out loud" there is generally only a word or a few words because it takes a lot of energy to come into the physical and manifest speech. It's way easier to use what is already in someone's subconscious or memory bank and fish that out. This is why sometimes they don't appear and say "Don't cross the road today chicken, you'll get run over" but they give us a "feeling"...because it takes way to much energy to do it the human way because, duh...they aren't and yet we expect them to act like humans.

When I read for people I always say that I 'feel' the spooks first, I can feel if they are male or female and I can feel maybe their personality or ailments. Once the "connection" has been established (and here think of it as a spook physically plugging into me) they can use my energy to manifest and give a clearer picture. teamwork at it's spooky best! At the end of the day all spooks are just energy and they need our spiritual energy (our minds which is why many mediums "see in their heads") to interact or they simply couldn't do it. Another thing is that I like to read in the dark or at least outside where there is less artificial energy, lights, computers etc. This I feel helps them and it certainly makes a difference to me.  Maybe I have an uber sensitive radar that is easily interfered with, I don't know but I find being in natural surroundings brings a much cleaner reading.

This is much the same as giving malevolence power. We create fear energy that they use to frighten us!

As Arty is my mentor, there is clearly a common frequency with us that makes it easy for him to be around me and draw on his energy and mine to give me what I need to write. 

I hope this simple explanation helps you understand a little more of their world. Essentially, they use what is already there because it's just to hard to behave like a human when you're not.

As told to me by Arty with thanks to P,  Nikola and Louis for their input and advice.

Tomorrow "Sex and the Modern Spook" ! Stay tuned!

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