Wednesday, 13 November 2013

I'm Pink Therefore I'm Spam?

Thursday November 14, 2013

Descartes said "I think therefore I am" and you know what. He was right! Nikola Tesla has been around for a few days and if you have read my book you will know that he gave me some good information on energy transfer as well as the human ability to comprehend the concept of spirituality as a science. He used the word "lacking" a lot as I recall!  He's right, we don't really understand it as a science we only understand it as a show and tell thing, an act, a party trick if you like.

So today Nikola and I decided to talk a little and in general about spiritual energy and the passing between the human and the spook world. I think we have already established that we humans are part spook, but spooks are not part human. We HAVE the spiritual energy that we carry from life to life, it's just the biological bits that are non transferable. So what really happens, according to Nikola and I, when we "think?"

Well going back to the basic principal of physics that we can only reform energy we cannot destroy it, a thought although physically intangible, is an energetic output. This is where the principal of the creation of truth or laws of attraction comes from, but we as people are yet to be able to disconnect enough from our human side to create truth, so wrapped up in the material world are we. The day will come though, if we don't destroy the planet before then but that's a debate for another day. But what actually happens to "thoughts" or as Nikola describes them "thought waves."

Well, we are all surrounded by energy, and if you come to a showing of "Hands Up If You Are Dead" you will see that I can actually prove that. Nothing up my sleeve me and the spooks can prove it to you! Have you ever heard a medium say, "the energy in here is ..blah blah blah ... negative, positive, heavy etc?" What they are feeling is the energy that remains in that space, from yesterday or a hundred years ago. As a passing thought I wonder if anyone has ever felt the energy of a dinosaur? Mmmm. 

Anyway. So when you "think" which is the primary method of communication with spook, it puts an energy out there. If you are thinking sad thoughts, that's the energy you fill your space with, if you are thinking happy thoughts that too. When you go to see a stand up comedian people say that the laughter is infectious. That's because it is! The energy is infectious and we all laugh until we get to a point where we will either laugh at anything or we get the giggles and we leave on a high, having rolled in that energy and entertainment. 

The energy we generate with our everyday thoughts goes out into the wider universe. If you imagine shining a torch at the moon, as it gets further and further away from the source (the light globe) it seems to get weaker. It then forms the energy of the universe which is added to and drawn on like an electricity grid at a power station. That is what happens according to Nikola and Louis.

When you "think" you are actually talking to spook, whichever spook is around you they hear it. If you always think nasty spiteful thoughts then that is the kind of spook that will find it easier to be around you. If you are a relatively cheerful person and so on.  Kind people, no matter their situation, rich or poor, ill or healthy, will generally have quite a few spooks around them. Meanies and nasty people who tell fibs and hurt others will generally have naughties closer in, whilst those who love them are kept on the outer a little. When I read for people I always tell them to think to their loved ones when the energy is quiet and still, generally at night. Most times they hear it but remember there is only so much they can do if you are asking for favours.  Why do you think "silent prayer" became so important in most religions? Because thought is the spiritual side of us, what we think is who we really are and how the two worlds connect. No one else knows what we think unless we tell them, it is what makes us unique individuals as beings and as souls.

Trying to keep this simple, know that it is true if you are always thinking depressed and sad thoughts then that's what you will attract.  You CAN think your way out of a dark mood...if you want to. As you think more positive thoughts, and I am not talking about lotto wins or material things, just focussing on the good and not the bad, then things will begin to slowly "re energise" into a more positive space because your energy will change and thus attract a different and better spiritual energy.

When we think about a passed over loved one and we are sad what are we putting out there what are we doing.  Well, we are telling them we miss them of course but we are also bringing them back in and in some cases can get so obsessed with thinking about them we hinder their spiritual journey, or worse corrupt it and do them harm without realising it.

What you think is alive even if no one else human knows what you are thinking. Remember that.

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