Sunday, 29 December 2013

Something About Nothing

Here are some random thoughts as a kind of precursor to the Daily Spook Diaries 2014.

Lots of mediums do one question readings on their facebook pages. It's a great way of sharing, giving back and also making sure you keep it real for yourself and don't get too confident in your own abilities. You are only as good as your last reading and your spooks will set you down if you get too uppity with it! I always say that the day Arty comes to me and says "Enough now my dear" is the day I give up. It's really not my choice, it's their choice. Too many people are of the impression that the mediums are the ones with the special talent. Well in my world you don't have the talent if the spooks don't want to play. I mean you can't force someone to talk to you can you? In saying that we must remember I am talking about mediumship and not psychic ability as they are two different things.

I decided to start keeping the Daily Spook as a diary from January and to be brutally honest and open with it nitty gritty and all, so others can see that mediums are ordinary folk who just have to juggle the human and the spiritual. You get too bogged down in the spiritual and your human life turns to poop, too bogged down in the human and your spooks either give up or you mess it up yourself. I used to be someone who if a medium told me the moon was made of cheese I would get a box of crackers out! They would tell me I was going to do "so and so" or "such and such" and so instead of letting it happen naturally I would force the issue and go off and do it, which always ended in disaster as I wasn't letting my life unfold as it SHOULD. I was messing with what was there for me and most times because I had pre-empted something that I wasn't ready for, I amde a mess of it or ended up getting hurt.

I am a relatively ordinary person, middle aged, one grown up child and spent the best part of the last 25 years in the commercial world. Even thought the transition to a more spooky career was natural for me it wasn't easy. Learning when to be open to spook and when to tell them to bugger off (which you can you know!) interpreting messages for myself let alone other people and knowing how to deliver them was a steep climb. Mediumship is not just "oooh I can do this" and away you go as you are dealing with real people but also in a world we simply do not understand yet. It can sometimes be a curse rather than a blessing if you don't keep it real!  I only do 6 readings a week, I don't use my spooks any more than I would intentionally use my friends, but I have spooks with me daily. So familiar are they that I call them spooks and they call me a variety of me they do!

So just how ordinary is my life?  Well last night I went to bed and a male spook came up to me and I asked him who he was. He said "I'm going to poke you" as if warning me he was going to touch me in the physical (it still makes me jump) so as not to scare me! I said "Go on then" and he did, he poked me in the ribs! He laughed and then dissolved back into wherever. As I was sleeping in the camp trailer last night (Christmas houseful and it is so peaceful in there anyway) I got up in the middle of the night for a pee. As I was unzipping the door a female voice said "It's beautiful out here now the rain has stopped." I couldn't see anyone all I knew was it was a she. This type of thing doesn't disturb me now as I have learned that not every contact is a profound message from God via a spook, sometimes they are just there and that's all there is to it.

Recently I had a nasty shock and a tough lesson about "being in spook all the time." A dear friend of mine is quite ill and we had been talking about death and who was and who wasn't afraid. It was an interesting conversation over a few reds and such are the friendships involved no subjects are taboo. I left feeling a little pie-eyed and also pensive so I posted the question on my facebook page, "If you had the opportunity, would you want to know if you were going to die?" Some interpreted it as me offering to tell people when they were going to die...Noooooooo I do not do that. I do "you aren't going to die" if someone is ill and that's what I get but not any more than that. Then that night sitting up in bed quietly reading a non spooky book someone decided to tell me when my friend was going to die.

What do I do with that kind of information? Did I hear it right? Are they just picking a random date for the shock of it and to teach me a lesson that I am not God and it isn't my right to dabble in that area or were they preparing me, being kind so to speak? It's a head spin and I wandered around for days with it in my head. Then looking through some photographs I had taken at the gathering I was am referring to, I noticed there were people in the photograph that certainly weren't there that night! Spooky people! I had actually stopped using the camera because we were outside at night and the flash wasn't working!! As well as the heavenly bodies a larger than large stark white orb and someone behind a chair as if they were trying to pull someone else back. I am not going to post the photograph you will just have to believe me. For goodness sake I am talking about someone's death and I am sure as heck not going to post a photo of them!!! Cruel or what? Mediumship is not something we know everything about and sometimes it isn't the magical "gift" (ugh hate that word!) that people think it is. We work hard and we are always learning, sometimes not via the easy route!

There are other times when we mediums have to be thick skinned. Sometimes your radar is bent, the spooks aren't up for it or you are just wrong. It happens. Why are mediums "bad people" if they get it wrong? We are called fakes and all sorts of nasty things, and yet if someone accidentally gives you the wrong change in Coles they aren't faking it! If a Doctor says you have gastro and you end up with a burst appendix (as happened in our family) it doesn't mean he got his MD out of a cereal box and is really a plumber called Bert! Be kind people, we are making our way into a world that no one understands.

I'm just saying right?

Saturday, 21 December 2013

The Silent Influence of Spook?

Sunday December 22, 2013

Intuitively speaking....A lot of mediums advocate “following your intuition” you know that little voice inside you that says “don’t eat that fourth piece of cake!” Ok well maybe not so much that but more like gut feelings when making decisions and danger or change may be approaching.  This is our spiritual self at work and we all have intuition we just don’t all follow it.

Sometimes without realising it, our intuition will tell us things without us actually realising it. In that case maybe it isn’t really “intuition” so much as that silent spook or spooks that follow us around helping us with “stuff.” I have always said and do believe that we are all connected on some level and one of the more bizarre areas of this is fantasy TV.  Now I am not saying that eventually everyone will end up going to Hogwarts and playing Quidditch or even that Lassie will come home but let’s look at some areas where imagination and intuition cross over.

One of the most famous is Star Trek and I admit that I am a fan, no one does it better than Shantner! But let’s look at Gene Roddenberry’s early ideas. The communication devices of the late 1960’s Star Trek looked a heck of a like the early flip open mobile phones to me! The desk top communications augured the arrival of laptops, flat screen TV’s and Skype for sure.  The greater use of nuclear power, acceptance of mixed races working in harmony with each other (although alien races is something yet to be proven but the world in general is mixing it up), was also promoted by the series. So what if the writer, not unlike Nostradamus, could see and predict the future but because it was in the future he didn’t know what he was predicting? When we look at the Paranormal movies, sensational as they are, there are some aspects of it that have been experienced by others. Slamming doors, waving lights and I have personally been physically dragged out of my bed.  

So were these movies and others like it created by the imagination of the writer or by intuition and spiritual “knowing?” Was there a spook leaning over the writer’s computer screen saying “Nah mate, doesn’t happen like that but like this…”  As the paranormal and spirituality goes from an underground doctrine that gets you a seat on a ducking stool or tied to a flaming stake to world wide acceptance and a multi-billion dollar industry, more and more people have experiences like those depicted in movies about the paranormal.

Going back to Nostradamus, he talked about big birds and princesses in his predictions but because he didn’t know in the mid 1500’s, of the technology of man-made flight, fast cars or the social structures of the future it was said he was inaccurate or that it was necessary to “twist his words” to make some of his prophecies true. Think of it like a cave man asking you if he can borrow your iPod but having no clue of the invention of the iPod to come. Frustrating concept isn’t it because something that hasn't been invented is being predicted!

What I am trying to evidence here is that spook is with us, moving us forward and giving us little pieces of the future. So many mediums will say they dream of or can predict world disasters and then wonder why they can do this but they can’t help in preventing it. Maybe they too are being told we need to shape up or we will all be shipped out, but not on the Enterprise of that I am sure.

Monday, 16 December 2013

What is it Like to be Dead?

Monday December 16, 2013

What is it like to be Dead? There have been many accounts of near death experiences and I have to say that my spooks have had rather a lot to say on the subject in my book. I suppose one thing that rankles them are the multitude of accounts of people “coming back from the dead” because you can’t if you are and if you do, you weren’t in the first place. Anyway that’s not what this is about but definitely a topic for another day!

We have talked about human people, us being spiritual and physical. The mind is the spiritual part and the body the physical part. They interact of course but what about when they are separated; completely?

The first and most easily identifiable part of this separation is sleep. Yes sleep, or any state of unconscious actually but sleep is the most common. When we are asleep and we dream, at the time of the dream we think it is real. Our state of consciousness during the dream is such that it is our reality. If we thought it was just a dream whilst we were dreaming then no one would have nightmares; prophetic dreams or see their loved ones. We would just opt out. “Nah this is just a dream, not real, not important.” How wrong you would be!
Nothing within us questions the content of dreams whilst we are in there and that is because it is our reality. If there are monsters, we fear them instead of saying “I’m not doing this I’ll just wake up because it’s not real.” In the dream state it is our reality and it doesn’t cross our mind to become conscious again to avoid it. If it is true deep sleep where the soul and the body separate, the choice is not a physical one to wake up anyway, we have to wait until whatever our mission is; be it during an afternoon nap, a long nights sleep or a cat nap on the couch.

Anyone who has ever had a serious operation or period of unconsciousness will have a better grasp of what we are saying. We wake up with no comprehension of time and the experiences we had whilst asleep until we were awake seemed so real. What we do whilst we are asleep? We don’t always remember but I am clearly told that sleep is not only necessary for physical and mental regeneration, but it is also a window to the world we go to when we die. A sneak preview so that when our time comes we not be afraid because we have been there before even if it is only to the waiting room or the doorstep.

When we dream we also don’t have a body. Sure you can look down and see fingers and toes as they are being eaten by zombies or floating on thin air, but the feeling during the dream-state is the body is there, but somewhat intangible. Usually if you are dreaming in the first person you will still see or more likely feel yourself but also feel like you are somewhere else as well. Bingo! You’re dead! Separated from your body, the only difference between that state and death is your biological body is still working and you still have somewhere to go back to when your state of conscious changes.

Again this is a grossly simplified version of a much more complex principal that my spooks don’t feel we are quite ready to comprehend yet. I am told we don’t know enough about the human mind to be able to debate this at present.

This is why mediums might say “Someone doesn’t know they have gone over yet.” Literally and particularly in the case of those who die suddenly or unexpectedly, they may think or assume they are still alive, maybe even dreaming; until something in their dream or those around them in spirit brings it and them to light that they are no longer a physical being.

Tuesday, 10 December 2013

The Spiritual Sponge

Wednesday December 11, 2013

Quite often someone will say “Jeepers so and so really brings me down” or “I don’t know why but today I felt really happy” Aside from clinical issues such as mood disorders and depression or the odd simply batsh*t crazy, there can also be a spiritual reason for feeling a certain way without being able to pinpoint the exact reason. 

Ever heard the phrase that someone’s laughter is “infectious” or “they can really motivate people?” Empaths can do this, as they can receive and decode others energies in order to feel them for themselves. They also have the ability to project their own energy; a cheerful upbeat person will more than likely whip up a group into the same emotional space, and intense maudlin person will unfortunately and most likely bring everyone down.
An empath, in spiritual terms is actually someone who “picks up” on others energy and most of the time are completely unaware they are doing it.  As we have discussed before, we are all two parts of one story; energetic beings as well as human beings. We have to make sure we understand this and we aren’t just energetic or just human, as being an empath is one of the classic examples of when the two parts of us can overlap. Human emotions are manifested or created by the transference of spiritual energy.

An empath is like an undeveloped medium if you like, they can already send and receive energetically they just aren’t at a stage where they can control or apply it. Having said that, we must not confuse an empath with a telepath as they are two distinctly different abilities and sometimes I wonder if there is such a thing as a telepath but we can get to that in another Daily Spook and when Arty explains it to me. As I write he tells me telepathy is not what with think, but let’s not get off topic here much as I would like to! Another Daily Spook on the story board!
An empath is a kind of spiritual sponge, absorbing energy and because our energetic force fields contain our emotional energy that is what transfers between the empath and those around them.  In the same way as a sponge soaks up water, it has to be wrung out occasionally to get rid of the excess and unwanted baggage and this is where empaths sometimes run into trouble, they don’t realise they need to be spiritually squeezed out periodically to remain spiritually and mentally healthy!

An empath can “feel” spirit because the part of us that creates our energy is the spiritual part of us.  Depending on the degree of spiritual empathy an empath can either just “feel” that there is a spook in the room or go to the other end of the spectrum and say “I felt Grandad was with me today” thus actually identifying the energy signature. Remember me saying I no longer need to see Arty because I know what he feels like now. It’s the same thing. The empath that can differentiate between general energy presence and energy definition is destined to be a strong medium if that is the path they chose to follow. It can be a momentary feeling or one that last minutes but the knowing and thus the wiring to do so is there. Mediums have to be empaths first but empaths don’t have to be mediums. This is not to be confused with being psychic though. Different thing altogether, a psychic reads energy by going to the energy.

Empaths also tend to have very strong intuition, whether their human self allows them to communicate and follow this is another issue and unique to each individual. This is where it gets complicated because sometimes an empath can pick up on others feelings and “own them” by assuming they are their own and letting them play out so to speak. If an empath picks up on a person who is depressed and anxious they can become so and the human confusion is not knowing why we feel like that. The uneducated empath will then apply these hijacked feelings to their own situation because they feel it and they don’t know why. An example is; Empath picks up someone else’s anxiety. Before they do that they have a normal happy life, good job and sound relationship and then without reason they develop fear about their job or their relationship. Knowing it is unfounded and being unable to pinpoint the reason they became more anxious and thus the feeling becomes theirs to deal with.  They make it theirs, and this is where the human and the spiritual collide and cause problems, particularly if the empath does not know they are one. This however should not be confused with the very real condition of mania, depression or anxiety and when we have constant destructive behaviours or negative thoughts we should talk about them and seek help. Sometimes an empath can expel these feelings simply by talking about them too. The energy is out there and dealt with. Other times the empath must ground and then protect themselves to shed the baggage that is not strictly theirs.

Empaths have to be careful not to pick up spooks who shouldn’t be there because they can be unintentionally magnetic when it comes to attracting other spook energies as well as human energy. Although the link between mental health and spiritual energy is complex and questionable there is no doubt during my research that I have found if a spook wants you to be depressed and you are an open empath, then you’re going to get down in the mouth. If a spook wants to get through to you and you are an empath you can find yourself thinking thoughts that might well not be your own; when Matthew arrived in my spook space I had a sudden urge for vodka when my drink of choice is champagne. It can also be an impulse to learn a new skill that you had previously never considered; I had a strong urge to do my pilots licence when I was younger and then ten years later found out my maternal grandfather was a pilot. Much of this was spook transmission because I was picking up on who was around me in spookland.
The other issue is that when a negative spook gets hold of an undiscovered empath they can ‘hide’ because they like the energy source. They will keep prodding and poking to keep you in a negative frame of mind because you are fuelling them and who cares what it is doing to you! An example of this was that a client of mine met a potential partner. She was confused as she adored him, felt everything was right but now and again she kept thinking how it wouldn’t last and happiness wasn’t possible with him. She came to me for a general reading and I mentioned to her that she had a spook around her. The mother of an ex-partner who was rather angry that the previous relationship with her much loved son had not worked and thus this spook was “meddling” in my client’s energy to try and stop her going forward. Mummy-spook wanted her to go back to her beloved son! My client admitted she didn’t want to go back to her previous partner as the relationship had run its course, but didn’t understand why she kept thinking of him when she wanted to go forward with her new partner but just couldn’t make the leap.  A short sharp chat with Mummy of ex-partner spook and kicking her out of my client’s spiritual space paved the way for a new relationship and without the anxiety of Mommy Dearest! Don’t forget the strongest spook communication is “thought and imagination.” If they want to they can put anything there that they want to and we have to recognise and get rid of it if we need to.
Using the ability of empathy is something we have to learn, again because whilst we are here on this spinning lump of dirt and water we have a human side that tends to interfere with our real self, our spiritual self. So being an empath is one thing but recognising it and applying it where it’s appropriate is another thing and is something that has to be learned carefully and with respect to spook!
In my experience empaths tend to experience one or all of the following;

·        You feel emotion very intensely and sometimes without warning or apparent reason.
·         You feel the need to look after or care for others less fortunate than you even if sometimes            it is to your detriment.
·         You have a high sense of morality and justice.
·         You instinctively like or dislike people.
·         You make decisions based on a gut feeling that is generally right
·         You worry or become concerned about people that may not be your real concern (friends of          friends, acquaintances)
·         Places have feelings for example you can walk into a house and know whether there is anyone        there without seeing them or knowing they aren’t there.
·         You have seemingly irrational feelings about places you have never been before; either you are        really attached or you strongly don’t like a particular place because of the feeling.
·         Your instincts will usually tell you if someone is being untruthful
·         You can answer yes or no questions without thinking about it
·         When you say “it will be alright” to someone who is in a difficult situation you are usually              right.

This is the simple version and as mentioned, not everyone is an empath so don’t assume if you have erratic moods that you are. If you are unable to cope with your feelings remember; Doctor/Counsellor first – medium second!

Next Daily Spook – Star Trek and Intuition!

Monday, 2 December 2013

Dark energy and a learning experience...

Monday December 2, 2013

All mediums are still learning, in fact every person is still learning until they die and then we are still learning but in a different realm.  Sometimes spook will grab you by the shirt collar and teach you something you need to know when you least expect it. Not only do they teach mediums not to be complacent but also that there is a lot more to life, here and there, going on around us and how it all fits together.

Here is a true story the kind of which hasn’t happened to me since the dark days of five years ago.  I have a friend who has had a gremlin energy around him for a while, over a period of time we managed to move it far enough out so it couldn’t keep up its antics; pinning him to the bed; menacing and growling and trying to make him think dark thoughts at a time in his life when there was no need to.  Usually these types of spook will attach if there are drink, drugs, trauma, depression or emotional problems. When we overcome the downswings of life which are never for ever, life goes back to normal but an attached negative energy will keep up the fight. This is to maintain their grip because without a negative energy source (unhappy person) they have less strength and eventually are so weakened they have to leave and evolve themselves.

Essentially when you are at your spiritual weakest if your spook door is open you are open to anything coming into your spiritual space and using you as an energetic power source. The unfortunate thing is the more you fear it, the more you give it life.  As a medium you learn to recognise these feelings, entities and even mean human spooks and shut them out or deal with them in line with your teachings so far. We have a gremlin on our property, our cottage is protected and the house is full of love so are we but we often see or feel it hovering around the veranda because he can’t get any further.  It’s almost as if next door has a vicious dog but its chain only stretches so far, that’s the principal anyway.

I am always happy to help with malevolent spooks, as most times if you can pinpoint why they are there, what they want and where we are facilitating them they are easy to manage right out of the spook door! I am not talking about possession or poltergeists though, just that nagging on and off dark spirit that likes to take you down further when you are already there.

Most people who have nightmares have them when they are really tired, if they are from a spiritual angle anyway. This is because when we are exhausted we are at our spiritual weakest because our energy is so depleted. One of the other most common times for the influence of negative energy to be strong is the day after a drinking binge. The evening of the hangover day because alcohol also induces exhaustion and the actual drunkenness is another time when we are unguarded.

Here is the story of last night; Having flown to Darwin and feeling completely exhausted, through my own doing as I stayed up until 5am talking! No alcohol involved just tired. The next day was full of beans and a planned afternoon nap didn’t happen and so by the time I went to bed I was well and truly almost dead on my feet. I walked into my room and noticed something in the corner, a dark shape, but arrogantly thought I know you and I already locked you so I just shut it out of my thoughts. I protected myself half heartedly and asked for protection for everyone else in the house and got into bed. P sat on my bed for a few minutes and we chatted and then she was gone. I said goodnight to my spooks and those I love and settled down.

Lying in bed watching something on my laptop the doona was suddenly drawn backwards and I was dragged off the bed by my feet. Landing hard on the floor I realised this was not a dream. I heard a few words, a name and an expletive as I was dragged across a tiled floor to the door. The moment I realised this was not a nightmare was when the door was opened and I was dragged through it. If it was in my head I would have been dragged through the solid door spook-style and no snarling spook would have troubled himself to open it because everything in a nightmare is representative and not physical. I fought and fought hard telling this spook that it was wasting it’s time because everyone in the house was loved and feared nothing from him.  As I was being dragged I had a fleeting sight of another of my young spooks and told him to get out as I knew he wasn’t strong enough to combat this. I don’t think he was there for me, I think he was there in fear of those he loves as it was his family in the house and he was waiting to see if the worst was going to happen. I remember hearing a reedy and faint voice saying “Fight Ally, fight please.”

As if a last ditch effort I saw a hand grab my forearm to drag me some more, I felt it but shook it off saying my protection words and assuring this gremlin that even though I was incredibly scared it was wasting it’s time.  As if to acknowledge this it let me go and the battered and scared heap that was me got up and made a cup of tea! It’s an English thing, in times of disaster, make tea!!!  I went into my room and it was a mess, covers and pillows strewn about and my close spread across the floor. It wasn’t a dream.

The gremlin was trying to drag me to my friend’s bedroom to show him that he got the better of the person that shut him out but I was having none of it, even if I was peeing my pants at the same time! I went and sat outside at midnight in the quiet. Anyone who knows me and has had a reading knows that I love the natural energy of the night to find my spooks in. It’s calmer so it’s easier. Arty came straight away and explained that it was too strong for him, but he knew there was a lesson in this for me and although it frightened me there was no real danger.

What I learned was and as romantic and story book as it sounds, is love. The spook knew I love the people around me and I would protect them, it was a promise I made to one of their spooks. Remember that people that in so many more ways that we can know, love does make the world go around.

Wednesday, 27 November 2013

Spiritually Speaking......Children & Animals

Thursday November 28, 2013

First of all I would like to tell you a true story. People who read my blog know about Matt Lawson. He has a nephew, whom like the rest of his family he loves unconditionally. When I first met this little guy he was incredibly upset with me as he genuinely thought I was bringing Uncle Matt for a visit. He had heard the grown up speak about how Ally could talk to Uncle Matt and being 6 years old he hadn't quite wrapped his head around it. 

We sat under a tree together and I tried to explain to him on his terms, how when we die we aren't gone we are just different and some grown ups can see us when we are different and in heaven (although Matt maintains he is in outer space and not heaven...the twit!). His puzzled little face told me he was processing enough to understand the basic principal but he was nonetheless hurt that he couldn't see Uncle Matt. Sitting under the tree together, my heart breaking for both the little guy and Matt, I promised him, cross my heart, that Uncle Matt would explain this to him tonight.

The next morning our six year old told Ally he had a dream that Uncle Matt was explaining it to him. "You see," he said with the cutest but most serious face, 'There is the dead Ally and the live Ally and the dead Uncle Matt and the live Uncle Matt and the dead Ally talks to Uncle Matt.  In the simplest way possible Matthew had kept his word and explained to his nephew that there are two parts to the human being; the spiritual and the human. Since that day whenever little dude is staying at my place Uncle Matt visits and has something to say, even when I am not around I love hearing about Uncle Matt's visits. Uncle Matt can get to his nephew more easily than adults because children are not tainted with the human emotions of ego, greed, selfishness and all the rest. In essence children are born pure of spirit and life shapes them as they grow. The connection between Matthew and his nephew remains energetically pure and so makes communication flow more freely.

I read for a lot of people who say they think their children can see someone in spirit and nine times out of ten I will say they can. I don't think mediumship in children should be encouraged as they are not old enough to understand what is really going on. Just let it flow and sadly as they grow older, and as a benchmark of the way humans evolve, the connection will lessen because the purity dilutes, unless they chose to develop it and even then sometimes it doesn't work. Children truly are innocent and with that innocence comes the closest energy there is to spirit. It's that simple and that beautiful.

Often when I read for people who have lost children it is heartbreaking, because you not only feel the child but you feel the pain too.  Babies and children that didn't take their first breath I usually see them as little children, I don't see babies as such but they will show themselves as a child, generally a toddler, and tell me their story "I didn't make it," "I was sick" etc and we go from there. It makes it more personal and real to know that this child was really here rather than sensing some "biological event" if the child was lost before they made it into the human world proper. Sometimes when I read lost children and the loss occurred many years ago and before they came into the human world such as a miscarriage,  I will see them as they would be now. So if it was 20 years ago I will see a 20 year old young man or woman who will explain to me what happened. It's not the same for every medium though, I know that.

Animals have energy because they are living. They act largely on instinct unless they are trained by humans. So here we have yet another being that is not tarred with any kind of negative energy and therefore is intrinsically spiritual.  So many of us have had dogs who wait by the gate for their owner long before the car arrives. My Nanna lives in an assisted living facility and they have one of those darned cats that if it sleeps on your bed, you know you are on your way! As many mediums will say "I feel danger" but they won't actually get the word, it is literally a feeling they have to translate into words, animals have the same connection.  There are readers who do read for animals and until my own dog got sick and Leonora Fafaerko read for him, I thought it was a load of crap but Leo set me well straight on that one!! Then I learned to sense the animal energy. Because we are human we have to "translate" it from the sense or the feeling into words. 

I remember one evening standing by my car with my dog and he began growling. When an 89kg St Bernard growls you pay attention! Walking up to me was a man with a crow bar, he smiled and nodded and walked past and something within me said he was looking for either a house to rob or a car to steal.  A month or so before my big puppy died, I was lying on the bed reading with him sprawled beside me and I was sure I heard him say "I am going away soon."  He knew and he was warning me.

After he passed away I had the most vivid vision of a whole load of dogs in a large green field but they were laying there looking up at someone as if they were listening to him or her talking. More times than I can imagine I have "seen" him and even last night before my animals and children daily spook, I had a dream about him and his companion who sadly died just before him. They were just "there" on the bed with me.

Ro the racehorse loves to run but gets confused when they jostle and box him in and Percy the peacock is lonely and tired of all the different people that have been here over the years. He tells me his friends (there used to be seven peacocks in total) were stolen and he wasn't because he was up in his pine tree but this was quite a few years ago! No I don't "talk" to animals, I have to be honest I have no idea how it works!

So I know animals have spirit and they can feel and sense like a medium but like children it is uncorrupted and often works in our favour. It reminds me of a reading I did about a year ago and seems like a good evidentiary note to end on;

Annie came to me for a reading. She was a very unhappy woman who recently married her Prince Charming only to find he was a violent pig. She had also recently acquired a rescued young arab stallion from the RSPCA and one of her questions was about his breeding and whether he was who she thought he was. "So often," she said "I just sit in the stable with him and talk about what a monster Adam is. Most times I end up crying and he gets a soggy mane!"  We had a bit of a laugh about her unloading on a three year old horse. She said "I am sure he understands though," and we chuckled a bit more although without thinking about it I said "You know, I think he does."  Annie had loved him back to health and was looking forward to breeding with him. Although probably not a responsible way of handling a horse she would say when she was out on their small acreage feeding the various hobby farm animals, chickens, dogs etc Rufus would follow her as if he thought he was really a dog! I told her he was just bonded to her as he knew she was going to be kind to him after the best part of three years starving in a paddock. The reading went well and we kept in touch on and off.

A few months later Annie sent me an email saying she was having to have a minor operation and she was worried about Adam feeding Rufus because Adam had nothing to do with the animals so she was hoping he would do the right thing. This is a horsey-tale with a lesson. Adam was unable to feed Rufus and eventually Annie's sister had to come and take him to a friends place until Annie was back on her feet. Melinda, Annie's sister went into the paddock, called him, he trotted up to her and as she stood with him Melinda's husband casually threw a rope around his neck and lead him docile puppy dog style onto the float. So, I am just establishing Rufus didn't have a problem with men in general. Every time Adam went near him, Rufus bit him or spun for a double barrelled hoofer. Even if Adam stood at the gate to throw hay over, rather than Rufus welcome or be distracted by the food he would rush at the fence with his teeth bared. 

Annie and Adam separated after less than two years of marriage and Rufus went on to be a daddy. Annie sent me an email sometime later and said how weird it was that Rufus was quite happy with Melinda's five year old and husband around him but hated Adam.  Not weird at all. Rufus just didn't like cruel people and could sense it. Maybe he feared for himself, maybe he wanted to get revenge for Annie but either way, that horse knew Adam was not a decent man. He knew without physical proof that Adam posed a threat and he wanted to return the favour and rescue her right back.

Tuesday, 26 November 2013

Me! Me! Me people! It's ALL about me!

Wednesday November 27, 2013

Mediums read and do what they do in different ways. Spooks uses what they have and they run with it. So I thought I would tell you how it works for me. I am always "Spook radar on" which means I am around when they are. I shut the meanies out with the help of Mr Trumble my gatekeeper and sometimes I will say "ok guys I need some time in the human world" and they will go for a while. Most of the time though I'm just floating around in my spook space even when I am in the human world. 

When I read it happens like this; I make sure Arty and P are around, I love P but sometimes she has other stuff to do because New York is a far more exciting place than Maleny! I'll give her that! I simply can't read without Arty and I won't so the poor man is pretty tired most of the time. I can't read unless I have a spook from the clients side in front of me and  talking either. I don't read if no one comes through because I am speaking for them and not making it up in my own head. If I can't see someone then I won't chance the connection is there, ie; wing it witha  psychic read. That's cheating in my book of ethics. You book a medium, you get a medium.

Before a reading I like to sit outside quietly for at least 15 minutes and ask who wants to speak, which spooks want to come through so I can make sure the filter is on and I don't have any gremlins. I read outside because I like natural energy around me. The rule is the good guys come to the bench or up the veranda, the bad guys if they manage to slink in or they are good spooks who think they might not be welcome, tend to come in from somewhere else.  First up I will "feel" them not see them. I will feel their personality energy if you like and whether they are male or female. Once we have that sorted  we can start with the detail . They don't come through if I don't get it right and I will then see a coloured but kind of shadowy figure. Sometimes the whole person sometimes just some of them, it depends on the connection and where they are in their spook evolution. 

I find that people who have passed recently will step through into the physical, ie they are vivid and I can see them clearly and hear them easily. Sadly this usually means their journey has only just begun and they can still tap into what was once their human energy too. I have had a few like that which I have actually had to tell them they they have passed over. 

I rarely "see in my head" when I am reading although on and off if I lose the 'in front of me' connection, that is how I have to get it back and then we work back into getting them with me in my time and space again.

Then they talk, again depending on the connection most times it is just a conversation and with the client around too, on the end of the phone or in person it flows between our energies. I am kind of the every ready bunny just powering it all through for the client and the spook! Normally if they are good humoured they will have a laugh and a joke who they were when they were alive is who they are on the other side. Early on in the reading I look for validations and once we have established who they are. This can be something like what you have done today. One lady I remember her validation was that she was getting her hair done whilst she was talking to me (a phone read!) and that proved to her that the spook we were speaking with could see her and was with her. Once we have given validations I don't dwell on them. It never ceases to amaze me how many people think the reading is all about telling you stuff you already know about yourself! Wha??? That's just medium show off - why would you pay me $60 to tell you something you already know!  It's a waste of money and a rip off!

Validations are there to give you the confidence that when the predictive stuff comes through that it is founded in truth and a good connection.  What most people forget when having a reading is that you are being told what is there for you at the moment. You can alter course. Obviously if I said to you, "I feel your car will be stolen because you will accidentally leave the keys in" you then DECIDE not to leave the keys in any more, your course changes and it's not a prediction it's more like help and guidance. Which is what they are there for, they aren't there to run your life!

I don't like doing readings when people say "What is so and so thinking" it's rude and I simply do not read other people without their permission. I will say "You husband/wife feels unloved and stressed at the moment" but that is about as far as it goes. Don't use me or your spooks to fight your battles for you, this is your human life for you to learn from.

Spook tends to come through thick and fast with me when I am reading and it is here sometimes my bluntness comes in. In a rush to get it all out I tend to just "say it." I am firm believer that if they give it you are meant to hear it though, so if you have a reading me me, be careful what you wish for AND what you ask! I stay away from psychic readings most of the time but will do psychic readings in person. Seriously though, why would you want a psychic reading when you can get the full spook on with a medium!!

The reason I prefer medium is it is more accurate because I can "hear" psychic readings are a feeling of energy and usually involve signs and symbols and not necessarily talking with your spooks. I just prefer someone in front of me, I think it's a confidence thing!

Then after about half an hour or 45 minutes getting our spook on, you get to grill your spooks. It is always a good idea if you have a reading to write questions down because sometimes we all get so carried away we forget stuff. At the end we will identify who is there to help you, who was the main player in the reading and who you should be looking to and talking to for help at this time. This I find is usually one person and they are the last one left at the end of the reading.

If you have a reading with me, we are then lifelong friends, like it or not! You are welcome to ask questions in the future but a new reading is a new reading and I won't answer an email every day because my head would explode and your spook would come and smash plates in your kitchen for being needy! You have my full support after a reading but it does not make me your personal medium but I AM here to help with the support of those who love you! 

Once we have ended our dialogue I thank those who came through, give Arty and P a hug and sit quietly for a little while to let the extra energy drain and level myself off back into the human world. From time to time if a reading is coming up I will get a spook who I can't place and all will become clear when the reading is booked (sometimes of course they know before you do!) and other times they will come back afterwards and I am always happy to shoot off a quick email and pass the message on.

As spook has no need for cash, yours truly keeps all the money! I would pay them if I could and it was appropriate but they seem to be ok with it! I have in the past "visioned" buying Arty a new pipe or P a dress though so they know I appreciate them! 

Tomorrow: Animals and Children

Saturday, 23 November 2013

Why Not All Mediums are Readers

Friday November 22, 2013

Well here I go again with more neck sticking outing!  Well I guess the first and easist answer to this one is some people who are mediums just don't want to practice. I have found that mainly with men. I have a dear friend of mine who greets me at the door with "I see you bought your friends with you old girl," and then he can tell me who! Other than that he won't have any of it, "I just shut 'em out he says." There are more people in the world who have mediumistic tendencies than don't. Yep! That is what I am told.

The reason I posed the question though was not for such an obvious answer and I suppose what I really meant was "Why not all mediums should be or can be readers." 

To answer this we have to hang out in the mortal world because even though we are receiving from the spook planet we still have to join the dots. We all have different personalities, everyone knows if I am asked a question you are going to get the answer, my spooks are rapid fire and to the point. Sometimes I know I am a bit direct and some clients don't really like this or worse, it doesn't do them any good but you can't do a full psychological assessment on someone before you read for them! Some people like the upfront approach though as I must admit I don't talk much about anything other than the spook talk and they do the talking.  If you ask me and my spooks if your bum looks big in something then you will get a straight answer. If you are wearing a size ten when you are really a fourteen, they are gonna tell you straight up and I am going to pass it on. Get the picture? So in this case there are times where people may be fragile and I deliver my reading with a big whammo and probably shouldn't. So it's not that I shouldn't be a reader it's that I should be careful because my intrinsic personality is to be dead straight and out with it.

The other issue is impartiality. You have to remember when you have a reading that we don't live in your world or your reality. You say po-tarto and I say po-tato, that kind of thing. So if we don't have the ability to detach and give what we get in context we can send people (accidentally) off on a wild goose chase, worry them or cause issues that weren't there in the first place. So you see to be a medium you also have to be very aware of other people and their feelings and more importantly be able to control your own.

Another issue (sigh) is the old ego thing. We all have ego and without it we wouldn't get out of bed in the morning. The fact is though that some mediums enjoy the "look at me" factor "look how right I am" rather than the "I hope this helps."  As Chilly and I were saying this morning, if you are a medium and you have to advertise or self promote based on how good you are...get a job in Coles instead because eventually spook will either take your ego to talk or you will fall over because of it.  BUT we should not confuse ego with self confidence. Two different things although both are just as appropriate under some cirsumstances as they are inappropriate under others.  People who are really fanning their tail feathers (thanks Percy) as the driving force simply should not be doing it in my view, because once you are blinded by ego and the need for recognition it gets out of control and you tend to forget where you came from.  I can't tell you how many people when I was working in publishing the last time would tell me they wanted to be "the next John Edward." They want the money and the fame not his life. How can they want what he has he is such a private man that you have no idea what he has other than money, fame a wife and two kids really.  Ego at work again. Show me the money is a really bad place for a medium to start from. We should all remember that John started accidentally, he didn't actually ask for it or hope for it!

Some people shouldn't be mediums because they aren't. If a medium struggles or get's a lot of bad feedback, has to spend more on advertising than they make then there is something wrong too and the universe is saying "this is not for you."

I'm not saying I make the rules I am just saying in the new wave of the new age everyone wants to be a medium and we probably all could be if life's individual circumstances allowed it. But like every profession, many more can learn it than should be doing it.  I have no plans to be a medium for the rest of my life.

Please contact Arty if you have any complaints about today's Daily Spook.

Thursday, 21 November 2013

Should Beginner Mediums Read for Friends...?

Thursday November 21, 2013

I don't think there is a right answer to that question but in my opinion and that of my spooks it's a no, well when you are learning anyway. If I read for friends, close friends or family I tend to second guess, and re check and worry that I am wrong. However with friends and family though theirs are the spooks that make impromptu visits the most, and if that happens and they talk I don't even think twice, I pass it on because I am not sitting there trying to read, I am generally doing something non-spooky and someone pops up!

Many newbies are told by their teachers and mentors to practice on friends. I was lucky because my teacher/mentor was both so I used to practice on her and sometimes (accidentally) spin the most unholy bullshit when I had my training wheels on! So why do I think it's a bad thing?

With friends you care, and that's not to say that when reading for others we don't care, it's why we do it in the first place. But we want what we want for friends, good things happy things and things to go right. I am lucky that my teacher never took offence to some of the drama I came out with seriously! She knew it was practice though and thankfully took it in her stride and was also a good enough medium to know when I was waffling.

When we read for friends the mortal and emotional us can come into play, especially if we don't check out of the human side of things before we read. What happens if we get something that is bad? Can we really detach to continue the reading if we are telling a friend we love that (for example) their husband is about to leave or become ill? More experienced mediums can read for who the heck they like, because they are good enough at it and on top of it, they are absolutely sure of their human self and their spiritual self because their own learning path is such that they know the difference. Learning to feel the difference between a spooky message and a thought is one of the toughest parts of starting out. When we are practising we aren't experienced at this and that's why it can be dangerous, especially if we get one thing correct and then something else which may not be accurate but is taken on good faith.

When I first started I just put it out there that I was going to read and offered freebies. I got requests, literally, from all over the world! I couldn't possibly be influenced by my own emotions so had no choice but to honour what I was getting without adding my opinion or my interpretation. It went ok, I think I had one in five that thought I was a faker which was ok as no money was changing hands and no one could see my red face! I kept doing that until I felt I was doing it with accuracy, or enough accuracy to be able to call myself a practising medium and do it with confidence. 

So if you have your training wheels on and want to give it s shot - practice on strangers. There's no background, no human influence and you will know without a doubt whether you are ready. That's my two cents worth anyway.

Tomorrow: Why not all mediums are readers.... 

Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Sex and the Modern Spirit

Wednesday November 11, 2013

Yeah you know you all like to read a little bit about sex, even if you pretend you don't! So many people ask me if spook knows or worse, OMG! sees us when we are having sex!  Well there are a couple of answers to that, and they are yes and no.  One of the things Matt likes to do when he is involved in a reading is comment on peoples sex lives! Well he's young so I guess that's to be expected and he really only dos it with people his own age! Arty tends to be a little more diplomatic and as he was a doctor in life he talk in more clinical terms, P is just straight up but a passionate and feisty woman she is not squeamish about the subject either! It's not something we shy away from as a team so when I got to asking the question they all chipped in!

So what's the deal when we are getting down and dirty?  Well first up we must remember that when we "see" spook we are seeing them, they aren't necessarily seeing us, they don't need to. What we look like has no relevance in their world.  They see only our spiritual self, the energetic self the part of us that belongs in their world and the human part doesn't. Like I have said in the past I "feel" spooks before I see them and spooks essentially feel us and don't bother seeing in the way that we do. So let's say we are having wild sex with someone we love, they don't see the nitty gritty of the naked bodies and all that writhing and slithering but they do sense the energy, the passion and the intensity of it. So, in a nutshell spooks are not perverts! 

However sexual energy is very very strong and in some cases less than nice spooks will use that energy to fuel themselves; particularly, and apologies for getting all goring and dark, if the sex is not consensual or in other ways unacceptable because then the energy is not borne out of love, or human passion which is a raw and basic emotion, but is borne out of power and fear but none the less incredibly intense.  The sex act, no matter whether consensual or otherwise is one of the few times when our spiritual and emotional self can get the better of us; we are carried away by the emotion, feeling or power of it and are unable to temper it once we are in there.  

Many malevolent spooks purposely attach to sexual deviants, rapists and others who have less than loving thoughts and feelings about the sex act. Generally such malevolence will transfer to the innocent party as well. A sad fact but true, because in doing this they are adding to the energy source by attaching to someone who is a victim, powerless and if you like spiritually defenceless. It's a complicated principal according to Arty, but this is one of the reasons other than the human psychological explanation where many people who are subjected to sexual violence or violation as young people will actually find they have similar urges themselves. I have been taught by Arty from the beginning that although we are all living a human existence and have our unique psychological make up borne out of our learning, environment and genes, spooks can also influence our mental health/behaviours. The most extreme example of this is possession. As we have discussed before spook can influence our thoughts so the power of the meanie can be used in this way because the sexual energy is one of the most powerful because in simple terms it is one of our most basic instincts. Instinct being the keyword here, as it comes from within our spiritual self, it is instinctive and the sexual urge does not need to be learned from anyone it's there as we grow as humans.

Homosexual sex is not counted by spook as a bad thing; sorry but let's never forget nothing about the spook world is judgmental and Arty clearly tells me it is the power to love that overrides everything and who you sleep with within that love just doesn't rate a mention by spook. Quite simply they love that you are in love because it's a positive emotion. If you are homosexual and don't care who you sleep with because the sex act it's self is physical. It is a phalacy and borne out of nothing more than ignorance to think that homosexuality between two consenting people can be attributed on any level to any kind of evil, bad energy or mental affliction. Don't get me started I could go on all day, but God is NOT selectively judgmental. And for the record...all three of my spooks think gay marriage should be legalised and I do too. Love is what it is and thank God for that.

In terms of spooks actually "seeing" the sex act, well not really. A few times Matt has been in on a reading and poked a little fun at someone when he has known something about their sex life or who they have slept with but quite honestly I think that is Matt being naughty and not spooks in general! They don't talk to you or appear during the physical act of sex because we aren't receptive to it as our mind and our body is elsewhere but they don't stand at the end of the bed waiting for you to finish so they can talk! 

So there you have it, in another one of Arty's nutshells with a little help from my friends!

Monday, 18 November 2013

Why Do Spooks Use Signs and Symbols

Monday November 18, 2013

Seriously why do they do that? I must admit I have found it frustrating when one minute Arty is talking to me and the next he is showing me something. One minute P is waltzing across the lounge (literally, she does that a lot) and the next she shows me a beautiful sapphire ring, for example. When Matt first came he spoke to me as he would if he were this side of the cloud cover, he was adamant, "I'm not going until you promise"...but in more recent times he has brought only a few words or a picture. Trust me you wouldn't want to see some of the images he brings me!  Anyway I got to thinking how come we don't just yabber on like a couple of old mates when they appear?

Well, we go back to that old chestnut, energy and the mind.  First of all we must understand that spooks do not have unlimited energy that they can use willy nilly when they like to get their message across. They have spook existences far beyond the reaches of our comprehension. The energy has to come from somewhere when they communicate though. Those who have passed over recently tend to have more ability to communicate in the human than those who have passed over long ago because they can draw on the literally, dying embers of their physical energy too. 

This is also why many spooks appear in dreamstate, particularly soon after they have passed. They still have remnants of the human and use our dreamstate because it is literally the path of lease resistance. I know when I first started seeing spook that I would get all excited and as such my energy would change and interfere with theirs, whereas when we are asleep we have no conscious control and therefore don't get a spike in emotion that may disrupt the connection.  

But why when a medium is reading do we say "I have a man called Sam here and he is showing me a book, was he a writer or do you have a book of his?"  Why doesn't Sam just open up and say "I left her a book in my will," so he can validate himself (which is what those kinds of things are for) and then get onto the good stuff? 

Well when they use signs and symbols they are combining their energy and ours so they don't have to create the whole thing from scratch which takes a lot of juice I can tell you. Let me give you an example that I hope is relatively simple (Arty always makes them simple he knows sometimes I can't get my head around it!);

Sam the spook comes into a reading for Sally.  Sam left Sally a book in his will and was also an insurance broker. So when I look at him I see a man with a book wearing  a bowler hat. So I tell Sally this and say - he is holding a book out to you so I feel he gave you a book. He is wearing a bowler hat so that suggests to me he was a business man.  Sally says yes, recognises Sam and we go on. They have connected.

Let's say on the other hand Sam just came through appeared so I could describe him and said to me "Hi I am Sam, I was a businessman and I left her Sally complete Encyclopedia Brittanica in my will"

The first option Sam uses what is in Sally's mind and mine. Hence when we say "spooks connect." He knows in my spook language a bowler hat means a business man because I am English you see, so the bowler hat is part of my thoughts and memories that he draws on to make his point. It's already there he doesn't have to create it. He uses Sally's memory of the book in the same way. Let's say he used 4 parts of his own energy and three of Sally's and three of mine which means because he can use her and my energy he can stay a little longer and communicate at will when it comes to the important stuff.

In the second scenario it ALL comes from Sam and his energy and it has to be at exactly the right frequency that I can hold him for long enough. He has to manifest AND create the message from scratch in an environment of changing energy and so he uses the whole 10 energy points and is pooped before he begins!

This is why when we hear spooks speak "out loud" there is generally only a word or a few words because it takes a lot of energy to come into the physical and manifest speech. It's way easier to use what is already in someone's subconscious or memory bank and fish that out. This is why sometimes they don't appear and say "Don't cross the road today chicken, you'll get run over" but they give us a "feeling"...because it takes way to much energy to do it the human way because, duh...they aren't and yet we expect them to act like humans.

When I read for people I always say that I 'feel' the spooks first, I can feel if they are male or female and I can feel maybe their personality or ailments. Once the "connection" has been established (and here think of it as a spook physically plugging into me) they can use my energy to manifest and give a clearer picture. teamwork at it's spooky best! At the end of the day all spooks are just energy and they need our spiritual energy (our minds which is why many mediums "see in their heads") to interact or they simply couldn't do it. Another thing is that I like to read in the dark or at least outside where there is less artificial energy, lights, computers etc. This I feel helps them and it certainly makes a difference to me.  Maybe I have an uber sensitive radar that is easily interfered with, I don't know but I find being in natural surroundings brings a much cleaner reading.

This is much the same as giving malevolence power. We create fear energy that they use to frighten us!

As Arty is my mentor, there is clearly a common frequency with us that makes it easy for him to be around me and draw on his energy and mine to give me what I need to write. 

I hope this simple explanation helps you understand a little more of their world. Essentially, they use what is already there because it's just to hard to behave like a human when you're not.

As told to me by Arty with thanks to P,  Nikola and Louis for their input and advice.

Tomorrow "Sex and the Modern Spook" ! Stay tuned!

Saturday, 16 November 2013

Why Family Aren't Guides or Gatekeepers

Sunday November 17, 2012

I think this is a rather contraversial subject as many mediums anD psychics simply insist that Nanna Jones or Grandpa Simpson are their guides. I can only repeat what Arty and the Others tell me. In life Arty was not only a medical doctor but undertook extensive research into the metaphysical. Understandably then I am reluctant to dismiss his advice because he is my teacher and my mentor. He's not a guide though.

The burning question here is, how come, when it makes such perfect sense for our loved ones to be the ones to guide us from the other side, that they are not.  There are number of reasons the most pertinent being; Spiritual Evolution - When Nanna Jones passes over she hasn't been through enough spiritual learning to be a guide, she doesn't wipe her shoes on heavens doormat and come back without a blink of an eye! What about who was there guiding you before her? Were they just booted out because they were nothing more than a spiritual bookmark now Nanna has made it to the Pearlies? Nope! Most people who can connect with their guides will find they are from another generation. One of mine is a Taoist Monk and another from somewhere in the 1940's. So even in our years in terms of timelines they have both had tens and sometimes hundreds of years to go around the block and learn.  When we die we don't just take a ticket and start a new job. What if we are coming back because we are yet to learn all we need to learn in the human world? What? Do we just stop off to guide a relative because all of a sudden we know all there is not know to guide a mortal? Again. Nope!  Guides are highly evolved spiritual beings that assume their last human form to make themselves known and that is only because we as a race are not advanced enough to recognise them any other way, but we have talked about that before. How in spirit you have no human form any more but they have to manifest one we can relate to so we can ....well relate to them. Higher evolved mediums recognise energy signatures and don't need the visual so much. Not that I consider myself better than anyone else but there are a few spooks now that I know so well by their energy signature that I don't need to see them; Arty, Matt, P, Joe and a few others to name but a few. Communication is easier because they don't need to use that huuge surge of energy to manifest before they speak.

The second issue is emotional attachment and influence. I had a situation in a reading recently where a family member came in and basically did some foot stamping because they wanted things a certain way. I read for a man this week too, who had the spooks of his ex wife's family around him, goading him to go back and that is not something he wanted. Let's not forget until we are sufficiently evolved when we make our way to the afterlife we still have our same personalities, thoughts feelings and emotions. In this case the family of the ex wife were trying to orchestrate things so their family member was happy - just like a normal living family would want. So can you imagine having a guide who has their own personal agenda because they knew you in a mortal life, or are related? It would be chaos because it would be emotionally and not spiritually driven!

The third issue is our attachment to family members. If a family member is a guide (not forgetting that they never are) we will lean on them and attach to them. This means they are largely bound to our energy because we keep thinking about them and are pleased in some way that they are still here, so we keep them here with those thoughts feeling and emotions. Our guides in particular fulfill roles that are required for this particular life lesson. Two of mine are; motherhood (I wasn't a natural trust me but we did ok!) and wisdom.  Clearly things I didn't do too well on my last lap of the globe in terms of me being savvy! If we become emotionally attached then they aren't guiding us because we will tend to ask them "what to do next." Guides are here to just show you what will be if you keep going and then they step back and let you make your choices from there. Guides are also not as visible to the spiritual eye as others because they are further from the earth plane and their energy is more refined, sort of a higher frequency if you like. They hang around more in your spiritual space rather than your human space.

Family members do come and go with helpful suggestions, sometimes interference and other times stark directives to assist on our path but they also have to go off and do their spooky thing so they too can learn and grow. They don't have time to be guides, but they do drop by to help.

Gatekeepers are much the same. Highly evolved beings who give an apparition of identification and their last given name. Mine is John Trumble. I never knew him in life but now that I can identify with him, I can talk to him about protecting me, and who can and can't come in. Obviously the early 1900's was his last fling on the planet so that's how he comes to me. It's his job to man the door to my spook space and clearly by the lessons he learned throughout his earthly beings (he tells me he had 9 stints) he now knows how to guard the gate. And I love him for it, he does an amazing job sometimes under such difficult circumstances because I am a rather spiritually social butterfly!

In short, someone of your own generation or family will never be a guide even if they are around to help often.

Thanks Arty, I think we get it now!  Tomorrow we will talk about how to meet your gatekeeper and form a relationship so you can shore up your protection.

Thursday, 14 November 2013

Gremlins in your Head?

Friday November 15, 2013

If you have read my facebook page you will know that I refer to any kind of malevolence, strong or weak, as a gremlin. It's just a turn of phrase, trust me they aren't cute like the little guy to the left!

Sometimes less than friendly energy can be seen, this looks like a swarm of tiny bees, a black shape that is not really any shape at all, it moves and morphs. I have had a few clients who have seen this and I have too. That's energy of an entity not to be confused with a less than friendly person who has passed over. Different thing. Let's also not confuse this kind of energy with a poltergeist either. Different thing too. We are only dealing with the influence of energy at the moment and the impact on the spiritual human.

Many people have questioned whether there is connection between the mental health of a person and their spirituality, specifically moods and attitude. I remember when P first came around me, before I realised she was really there I went through this phase where I dyed my hair black (I am blonde) and started really paying attention to my appearance. I wouldn't even go to the shops in my tracksuit pants! As I got to know and see P I realised this was her influence as it was exactly what she was like, dark haired and always well presented no matter what. When Matt started hanging around with me I developed a real liking for vodka, not a drink I had enjoyed before but his favourite and a big favourite of mine these days I tell you - thanks Matt! You get the picture? We CAN be influenced by the energy around us which goes back to yesterdays blog where we talked about thought energy. Although scientifically spook energy is thought to behave like electromagnetic energy Nikola assures me they are not exactly the same but it is as close as we will get to defining it in my generation.

Another example; Once I was out in the garden pottering about and for some unknown reason I began thinking how useless my life was and how I hadn't achieved anything. NOT TRUE! I checked myself and began questioning why I felt like that? A few days later I started seeing the spook of a young woman in my cut a long story short she had suicided in her 30's. I had "picked up" her energy. I got rid of her and all went back to an even keel and I stopped having such stupid thoughts, I love my life!

How many of us have a sudden thought about a lost loved one for no reason? Is it just a random thought or did they just visit you? Most times it is a passing visit...recently I had a name in my head it was really bugging me as I couldn't see anyone just the name in my head and nothing else. After a while I mentioned it to a guy that works on this property and managed to describe the man (early 1900's bare knuckle fighter) he just looked at me and said "that's my great grandad Sam! Ding! It started with Sam influencing my thoughts with his energy to get his message across!

So how can it go the other way? Instead of us putting out thought energy, how do we absorb their energy and influence other than harmless things like dyeing our hair and boozing on vodka? Sometimes when we "mess" with spook we can pick things up. Unprotected use of ouja boards, irresponsible evp recordings (going into a "haunted place" and just doing it) and other divination techniques that require the input of spook energy. Once they are "through your door" they are there unless they get bored, find someone else to harrass or you get rid of them.  The thing is unless we are open to spiritual concepts we actually believe it is our own thoughts and desires and go with it. So next time you have a dark thought and you wonder why, ask yourself "Do I really FEEL like this?" However don't dismiss guidance from spook when you get the urge to do something good, intuition IS spook energy at it's best and is there to help.

Well, first thing is we must not confuse the human with the spiritual.  Sometimes human people are mean and that's all there is to it. Not every mean person is affected by spook, some people are just plain and simple quite horrid. Sadly their targets are usually the nice people because they are less defensive and refuse to believe the potential for badness in others until it is in their face. When we are affected by spook how do we get rid of them? Well first up it depends how strong they are and what their energy source is. If you are a miserable person who thinks the world is against you, you are practically taking a mean spook out to dinner every night so don't expect anything good to happen any time soon! But what happens if it goes the other way and you were a happy person with a positive outlook and all of a sudden it all turns to the proverbial.  You have possibly picked up a freeloader. If you know a good and reputable medium who doesn't want your firstborn and the shirt off your back, ask them to look around you. Once you have identified it you can target it, if you like. You KNOW what you are dealing with you are ahead of the game already. If it is a mild meanie then usually asking your gatekeeper and your guides to shut the door on it and protect yourself at night (which is when they like to refuel because of your unconscious and largely defenceless state)..ask for it every night and morning though not just once!

Again, we are talking here about the influence of energy around us and not real life. Sh*t happens in real life and sometimes it is just that. What we are dealing with here is our moods and our thoughts because our deeds are largely a matter of our own free will.

I do hope this makes sense people! 

Wednesday, 13 November 2013

I'm Pink Therefore I'm Spam?

Thursday November 14, 2013

Descartes said "I think therefore I am" and you know what. He was right! Nikola Tesla has been around for a few days and if you have read my book you will know that he gave me some good information on energy transfer as well as the human ability to comprehend the concept of spirituality as a science. He used the word "lacking" a lot as I recall!  He's right, we don't really understand it as a science we only understand it as a show and tell thing, an act, a party trick if you like.

So today Nikola and I decided to talk a little and in general about spiritual energy and the passing between the human and the spook world. I think we have already established that we humans are part spook, but spooks are not part human. We HAVE the spiritual energy that we carry from life to life, it's just the biological bits that are non transferable. So what really happens, according to Nikola and I, when we "think?"

Well going back to the basic principal of physics that we can only reform energy we cannot destroy it, a thought although physically intangible, is an energetic output. This is where the principal of the creation of truth or laws of attraction comes from, but we as people are yet to be able to disconnect enough from our human side to create truth, so wrapped up in the material world are we. The day will come though, if we don't destroy the planet before then but that's a debate for another day. But what actually happens to "thoughts" or as Nikola describes them "thought waves."

Well, we are all surrounded by energy, and if you come to a showing of "Hands Up If You Are Dead" you will see that I can actually prove that. Nothing up my sleeve me and the spooks can prove it to you! Have you ever heard a medium say, "the energy in here is ..blah blah blah ... negative, positive, heavy etc?" What they are feeling is the energy that remains in that space, from yesterday or a hundred years ago. As a passing thought I wonder if anyone has ever felt the energy of a dinosaur? Mmmm. 

Anyway. So when you "think" which is the primary method of communication with spook, it puts an energy out there. If you are thinking sad thoughts, that's the energy you fill your space with, if you are thinking happy thoughts that too. When you go to see a stand up comedian people say that the laughter is infectious. That's because it is! The energy is infectious and we all laugh until we get to a point where we will either laugh at anything or we get the giggles and we leave on a high, having rolled in that energy and entertainment. 

The energy we generate with our everyday thoughts goes out into the wider universe. If you imagine shining a torch at the moon, as it gets further and further away from the source (the light globe) it seems to get weaker. It then forms the energy of the universe which is added to and drawn on like an electricity grid at a power station. That is what happens according to Nikola and Louis.

When you "think" you are actually talking to spook, whichever spook is around you they hear it. If you always think nasty spiteful thoughts then that is the kind of spook that will find it easier to be around you. If you are a relatively cheerful person and so on.  Kind people, no matter their situation, rich or poor, ill or healthy, will generally have quite a few spooks around them. Meanies and nasty people who tell fibs and hurt others will generally have naughties closer in, whilst those who love them are kept on the outer a little. When I read for people I always tell them to think to their loved ones when the energy is quiet and still, generally at night. Most times they hear it but remember there is only so much they can do if you are asking for favours.  Why do you think "silent prayer" became so important in most religions? Because thought is the spiritual side of us, what we think is who we really are and how the two worlds connect. No one else knows what we think unless we tell them, it is what makes us unique individuals as beings and as souls.

Trying to keep this simple, know that it is true if you are always thinking depressed and sad thoughts then that's what you will attract.  You CAN think your way out of a dark mood...if you want to. As you think more positive thoughts, and I am not talking about lotto wins or material things, just focussing on the good and not the bad, then things will begin to slowly "re energise" into a more positive space because your energy will change and thus attract a different and better spiritual energy.

When we think about a passed over loved one and we are sad what are we putting out there what are we doing.  Well, we are telling them we miss them of course but we are also bringing them back in and in some cases can get so obsessed with thinking about them we hinder their spiritual journey, or worse corrupt it and do them harm without realising it.

What you think is alive even if no one else human knows what you are thinking. Remember that.

Tuesday, 5 November 2013

Greed and the Modern Spook!

Wednesday November 6, 2013

For those of you who have no idea what the Melbourne Cup is, which means you have either been living in a cupboard for the last 100 years or you aren't Australian; it's "the race that stops a nation." The first Tuesday in November when even the staunchest non-gamblers lose their shirts, their marbles and all sense of reality for most of the day. It's like the Grand National in the UK but without the hurdles, but the same party-but-we-have-no-idea-why-really atmosphere! Maybe the US equivalent is the Kentucky Derby?? Not sure but I am getting a little bit off the race track here...

I am a firm believer that spook cannot be used for material gain, trust me I have tried it!  That is not to say you can't make a living out of it - vicars get paid and they essentially work for God, Doctors get paid and they save lives so mediums should get paid too if they practice their craft with integrity and soul. There is a difference though between working for your living and profiteering.  Many of us joke about getting the lotto numbers from spook, you know taking the easy way out or in to a better life but the fact is to my knowledge no one ever has been successful at getting this out of spook. That's not to say they won't foretell a material gain, I remember when I sold my car they came and told me straight up I would get more for it than I paid...and I did! I don't believe they made that happen though.  Take James Randi and his "tell me my mothers maiden name for $2 million" offer. Has anyone taken it up? Has anyone succeeded? No and no one ever will. Possibly because of Mr Randi's rather tight and unreasonable controls surrounding the experiment but also because spook won't allow it. What a horrible world we would live in if we could simply 'meditate to accumulate.'

Having said that Me, Matt, Arty and P set off on a mission the day before  the Melbourne Cup and we almost pulled it off! The night before the race I gathered my spook posse and asked for some help in backing the winner. I have to say here that every year of the Melbourne Cup I have dreamed of something that indicates the winner but have never put a bet on. Don't know why, you would think I would be smarter than that but no! I think it's a conscience thing. I am happy to pass the info on to others to do with it what they will, but I can't do it myself. So..anyway, we had a bit of a chat, me and the crew, and I asked for something to help us back the winner.  This is the bit where we say, well if they are prepared to give you "clues" and "indicative responses" why don't they just say one or two words ... the name of the winner must be much easier right?

Wronggggg! Although communication with spook for the most part remains a mystery, I do know one thing (and this is the bit where I get beheaded, hung, drawn, quartered and made to walk the plank) We have abused communication with spook so much, they WON'T give us what we want until we respect it a little more. WHY would they hand out material gain when we can't even be kind to each other? How radically would it change the world, mediums would be paid millions for  six numbers and the green back would be king. Greed is symptomatic of the evolution of modern man and there aint no way they are going to endorse it.

Having said that, and if you read my facebook page you will get the detail of the message, they gave me enough to try and work it out in that; the one I thought would win wasn't the right one and the winners jockey wore purple. There were quite a few purples in the field and whaddya know ...I chose the wrong one! Close, but no cigar! In this case spook did exactly what they always do in any situation...a little guidance but the choices from thereon in are up to you!

Use them wisely people :)